Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!
Where can I load my print card if I don't have cash?
In IKBLC, you can purchase preloaded copy cards from the circulation desk using debit or credit. There is also a change machine beside the Circulation desk if you need to make change for a larger bill.
If the IKBLC Circulation desk is closed, the Koerner Circulation desk may still be open (Check the schedule) and where you can also purchase a print card with debit or credit card.
If the IKBLC Circulation desk is closed, the Koerner Circulation desk may still be open (Check the schedule) and where you can also purchase a print card with debit or credit card.

Autor: mpchiang
Oberthema: Information Management
Thema: CLCA
Veröffentlicht: 21.06.2011