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Alle Oberthemen / Psychology / Psychology / Stop Forgetting: 7 Techniques by EssayCompany to Improve Memory
Stop Forgetting: 7 Techniques by EssayCompany to Improve Memory  
YOU have an excellent memory! Hard to believe? Think for a moment of the many things you easily remember: scenes from your childhood, the names of friends and relatives-even fictional characters on TV-your favorite songs, the alphabet, numbers, thousands of words. You've already demonstrated that you can remember millions of things! What ways can you improve your memory? Check out these seven suggestions by essay company and retain valuable information:

"But why do I have such a hard time remembering names, to say nothing of phone numbers and appointments?" These concerns are pretty common in public meetings, social gatherings, and your private life. However, your memory is much better than you imagine, and, what's more, you can improve it.

The book Immediate Recall. by Jeff Budworth recommends spending "minutes, not seconds" recording important information in your memory. Tell yourself that you are determined to remember. Having given the matter special attention, you are unlikely to forget.
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Psychology
Thema: Psychology
Veröffentlicht: 08.02.2022




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