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list the arterial and venous supply of the tyroid gland
-superior thyroid arteries (branches of the external carotid) and
- inferior thyroid arteries (branches of the thyrocervical trunks from the subclavian arteries).
1. Superior thyroid vein – drains upper part of lobe into the internal jugular vein
2. Middle thyroid vein – drains lower part of lobe into the internal jugular vein
3. Inferior thyroid vein – drains isthmus and lower part of lobes into the brachiocephalic
- inferior thyroid arteries (branches of the thyrocervical trunks from the subclavian arteries).
1. Superior thyroid vein – drains upper part of lobe into the internal jugular vein
2. Middle thyroid vein – drains lower part of lobe into the internal jugular vein
3. Inferior thyroid vein – drains isthmus and lower part of lobes into the brachiocephalic