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Computer Networks, LLC, is a limited liability company. Unless indicated otherwise on Computer Networks’ federal tax form, the firm will be taxed as
a. a corporation.
b. a partnership.
c. a sole proprietorship.
d. none of the above.
a. a corporation.
b. a partnership.
c. a sole proprietorship.
d. none of the above.
b. a partnership.
LLC is offerinf limited liability and tax advantage of partnership
LLC is offerinf limited liability and tax advantage of partnership
Tags: LLC
Quelle: p. 121, 5. Absatz
Quelle: p. 121, 5. Absatz
Autor: Elisa
Oberthema: Law
Thema: International Law
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2010