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What did sepals evolve from? Petals? Stamens? Carpels?
Sepals: Modified leaves
Petals: modified leaves OR stamens that lost sporangia
Stamens: reduced microsporophylls OR branches with terminal sporangia
Carpels: folded megasporophylls
Petals: modified leaves OR stamens that lost sporangia
Stamens: reduced microsporophylls OR branches with terminal sporangia
Carpels: folded megasporophylls
Tags: angiosperms, evolution, flowers, sepals, stamens

Autor: zeestree
Oberthema: Biology
Thema: Flowers and Fruits
Schule / Uni: University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ort: Honolulu
Veröffentlicht: 20.04.2010