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Teacher arrested
on suspicion of /sə'spɪʃən/ (belief) sospecha f;
(mistrust) desconfianza f, recelo m;
he's under ~ está bajo sospecha
appeal /ə'pi:l/ sustantivo
1. countable (call) llamamiento m, llamado m (AmL);
(request) solicitud f, pedido m (AmL);
(plea) ruego m
to appeal verbo intransitivo
1. (call) to ~ for sth ‹for funds› pedir(conj.⇒) algo;
the police appealled to witnesses to come forward la policía hizo un llamamiento or (AmL tb) un llamado para que se presentaran testigos del hecho
2. (Law) apelar
3. (be attractive) to ~ to sb atraerle(conj.⇒) a algn
academic record(of performance, behavior): he has a good academic ~ tiene un buen currículum académico;
ethos /ˈiːθɒs/
1. the set of attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people
Working 12-hour days seems to be part of the company ethos.
Synonyms: theory, culture, philosophy, ideology, doctrine.
rating /'reɪtɪŋ/ sustantivo
1. countable or uncountable (evaluation): credit ~ clasificación f crediticia
2. ratings pl (Rad, TV) índice m de audiencia
to feel forinformal (have sympathy for)
boarded up houses to cover a window or door with wooden boards
All the windows were either broken or boarded up
bushy tupido, espeso
bushy beard- ['bʊʃibɪəd]
hairy++ peludo
(mistrust) desconfianza f, recelo m;
he's under ~ está bajo sospecha
appeal /ə'pi:l/ sustantivo
1. countable (call) llamamiento m, llamado m (AmL);
(request) solicitud f, pedido m (AmL);
(plea) ruego m
to appeal verbo intransitivo
1. (call) to ~ for sth ‹for funds› pedir(conj.⇒) algo;
the police appealled to witnesses to come forward la policía hizo un llamamiento or (AmL tb) un llamado para que se presentaran testigos del hecho
2. (Law) apelar
3. (be attractive) to ~ to sb atraerle(conj.⇒) a algn
academic record(of performance, behavior): he has a good academic ~ tiene un buen currículum académico;
ethos /ˈiːθɒs/
1. the set of attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people
Working 12-hour days seems to be part of the company ethos.
Synonyms: theory, culture, philosophy, ideology, doctrine.
rating /'reɪtɪŋ/ sustantivo
1. countable or uncountable (evaluation): credit ~ clasificación f crediticia
2. ratings pl (Rad, TV) índice m de audiencia
to feel forinformal (have sympathy for)
boarded up houses to cover a window or door with wooden boards
All the windows were either broken or boarded up
bushy tupido, espeso
bushy beard- ['bʊʃibɪəd]
hairy++ peludo

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010