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Creativity: 6 situational facilitators
task complexity
high levels of challenge, autonomy and skill variety
interpersonal support
supportive and non-controlling leadership valuing creativity; supportive coworkers, even support from non-work sources
time pressure
high level tends to be detrimental to creativity, unless employees are protected from distractions and fragmentation of work
psychological safety
an environment in which employees believe that others will respond positively when they speak up, report problems or propose new ideas
goal setting
important to create role expectations by setting creativity goals or making creative activity a job requirement
constructive and developmental performance feedback positive for creativity, critical evaluation negative
high levels of challenge, autonomy and skill variety
interpersonal support
supportive and non-controlling leadership valuing creativity; supportive coworkers, even support from non-work sources
time pressure
high level tends to be detrimental to creativity, unless employees are protected from distractions and fragmentation of work
psychological safety
an environment in which employees believe that others will respond positively when they speak up, report problems or propose new ideas
goal setting
important to create role expectations by setting creativity goals or making creative activity a job requirement
constructive and developmental performance feedback positive for creativity, critical evaluation negative
Tags: creativity, deck 1

Autor: Florian
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Human Side of Innovation
Schule / Uni: TU Berlin
Ort: Berlin
Veröffentlicht: 13.07.2013