Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!
A patron asks, “Will you help me with my paper?" (ie: help me find articles, help me proofread, etc.)
On occasion, student may ask for your help at the desk proofreading a paper or finding articles for research. It is essential in these situations to know who to refer the patron to:
Particularly with respect to research questions, please do refer these questions, even if you think you may be able to answer the question yourself. The Reference Librarians work closely with professors and know the inside scoop regarding student term papers and assignments.
- For any type of research, including finding books or articles, refer them to the Reference Desk
- For proofreading or grammar questions, refer them to the Writing Centre. While the Writing Centre does not provide proofreading assistance per se, they will give students feedback on their paper and help them become a better writer.
Particularly with respect to research questions, please do refer these questions, even if you think you may be able to answer the question yourself. The Reference Librarians work closely with professors and know the inside scoop regarding student term papers and assignments.

Autor: mpchiang
Oberthema: Information Management
Thema: CLCA
Veröffentlicht: 21.06.2011