Zu dieser Karteikarte gibt es einen kompletten Satz an Karteikarten. Kostenlos!

a mammary body
b optic tract
c interpedencular fossa
d cerebral peducle
e pons
f pyramid
g loive
h decussation of pyramids
i spinal cord
j spinal acessory nerve (11)
k cranial accesory nerve (11)
l vagus nerve 10
m hypoglossal nerve 12
n glosopharyngeal nerve 9
o vestibuloochlear 8
p nervus intermedius
q facial nerve 7
r abducens (6)
s sensory root
t motor root
u trigeminral nerve
v trochlear nerve 4
w oculomotor nerve 3
x infundibulum
y optic nerve 2
b optic tract
c interpedencular fossa
d cerebral peducle
e pons
f pyramid
g loive
h decussation of pyramids
i spinal cord
j spinal acessory nerve (11)
k cranial accesory nerve (11)
l vagus nerve 10
m hypoglossal nerve 12
n glosopharyngeal nerve 9
o vestibuloochlear 8
p nervus intermedius
q facial nerve 7
r abducens (6)
s sensory root
t motor root
u trigeminral nerve
v trochlear nerve 4
w oculomotor nerve 3
x infundibulum
y optic nerve 2