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How do I treat thyroid emergencies?
● During a thyroid storm, reduce the hormone production with propylthiouracil (loading dose 1000 mg, therafter 250 mg every 4 hours) and methimazole (80 mg/d), inhibit hormone release with lithium carbonate (initially 300 mg every 6 hours) and the tyroxine to triiodothyronine conversion with prednisolone and propranolol. Reduce fever with paracetamol and tachycardia/-arrhythmia with propranolol. Replace fluid lost via fever and sweating. Prevent desiccation-induced thrombosis with heparin. If insufficient and plasmapheresis is unavailable, consider early thyreidectomy. Otherwise treat the underlying cause (usually Graves disease or thyroid autonomy, frequently accompanied by a precipitating factor such as excessive iodide exposure, surgery, labor, or infection).
● Patients in myxedema coma require mechanical ventilation and blankets to treat hypothermia. Correct hyponatremia and hypotension with appropriate fluids and glucocorticoids. Under ECG monitoring give i.v. levotyroxine (300 µg/d1, 100 µg/d2, 50 µg on day 3 and following), in combination with triiodothyronine (10 µg every 12 hours), as peripheral conversion may be impaired. Identify and treat the precipitating factor (typically infection, congestive heart failure, cerebrovascular injury).
● Patients in myxedema coma require mechanical ventilation and blankets to treat hypothermia. Correct hyponatremia and hypotension with appropriate fluids and glucocorticoids. Under ECG monitoring give i.v. levotyroxine (300 µg/d1, 100 µg/d2, 50 µg on day 3 and following), in combination with triiodothyronine (10 µg every 12 hours), as peripheral conversion may be impaired. Identify and treat the precipitating factor (typically infection, congestive heart failure, cerebrovascular injury).

Autor: LWojnowski
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Pharmacology
Schule / Uni: University Clinical Center
Ort: Mainz
Veröffentlicht: 24.05.2013