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something that is offered in order to persuade someone to do something or buy something
take the bait (=accept what is offered):
Interest-free credit is on offer and customers are taking the bait.
Synonyms: pressure, wiles, emotional blackmail, pitch, pep talk... more
1. a. someone who is used for attracting and catching someone else, especially a criminal
bait (Fishing, Hunting) cebo m (fig) anzuelo m , cebo m
IDIOMS to rise to the bait - he didn't rise to the bait- no picó
IDIOMS to swallow the bait (lit) picar (fig) morder el anzuelo, caer en la trampa
Interest-free credit is on offer and customers are taking the bait.
Synonyms: pressure, wiles, emotional blackmail, pitch, pep talk... more
1. a. someone who is used for attracting and catching someone else, especially a criminal
bait (Fishing, Hunting) cebo m (fig) anzuelo m , cebo m
IDIOMS to rise to the bait - he didn't rise to the bait- no picó
IDIOMS to swallow the bait (lit) picar (fig) morder el anzuelo, caer en la trampa

Autor: sarapalacio
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: Privat
Ort: pamplona
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010