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Alle Oberthemen / Designtheorie / Information Design / Design Theory
List the 10 visual techniques / forms of data visualization and give one example for each
1. mapping > Google Maps, Subway plan, visualize data in geographical context (space)

2. diagramming > bar chart, pie chart, tree diagrams (visual representation of numbers to interprete what a complex information mean)

3. sketching > illustrations

4. metaphorizing > abstract connection of text + image = poster of philosophy or nutrition pyramid

5. exploring > sitemap, flow chart (time aspect)

6. narrating > storyboard, comic book

7. expressing > with multimedia (interaction)

8. sculpting > 3D objects

9. spatialising > 3D deals with room, moving in a space

10. embedded code (as sources) > dynamic data basis, data diagram (Example: David McCandless)
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: Anna Mar
Oberthema: Designtheorie
Thema: Information Design
Schule / Uni: Macromedia Hochschule
Ort: Hamburg
Veröffentlicht: 08.07.2014




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