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NETW 561 Wireless Data Revolution Discussions 1 Week 4
The book says we are in a wireless data revolution and wireless data did pass voice in usage in 2010. However, voice still accounts for a sizeable portion of cellular usage. Do you see the relative usage of voice decreasing further? Do you think voice has a future in the mobile space at all? What evidence do you have for your position?
For starters note that I call it evolution. Do you think it is an evolution or revolution? What we’re looking to discuss is the future of voice on the cellular network. Yes, we can stipulate here and now that we will continue to use our phones to talk as opposed to just having them be a paperweight. The questions to discuss might include:
1.From a strictly business perspective, what do you think the future of wireless voice is?
2.Will we still have plans that include X number of voice minutes?
NETW 561 Wireless Data Revolution Discussions 1 Week 4
The book says we are in a wireless data revolution and wireless data did pass voice in usage in 2010. However, voice still accounts for a sizeable portion of cellular usage. Do you see the relative usage of voice decreasing further? Do you think voice has a future in the mobile space at all? What evidence do you have for your position?
For starters note that I call it evolution. Do you think it is an evolution or revolution? What we’re looking to discuss is the future of voice on the cellular network. Yes, we can stipulate here and now that we will continue to use our phones to talk as opposed to just having them be a paperweight. The questions to discuss might include:
1.From a strictly business perspective, what do you think the future of wireless voice is?
2.Will we still have plans that include X number of voice minutes?
Quelle: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/netw-561-discussions-week-4-devry/
Quelle: https://www.devrycourses.com/product/netw-561-discussions-week-4-devry/

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Education
Schule / Uni: devry university
Ort: UK
Veröffentlicht: 12.02.2020