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Alle Oberthemen / Social Studies / Social Work / Social Work 311 Test 2
According to Sophie Freud, how are our understandings of people shaped by social constructionalism?
Normal is defined as standard or ordinary creating an ideology of what is acceptable. when we define normality, which subsequently leads to a definition of what is considered “abnormal” through socialization. What we consider normal is “transformed into a desirable standard and upheld and maintained.  Those of which do not meet these understandings of normality are considered deficient and abnormal.  Continuous progression and change, Norms are shaped by social reality and social reality is shaped by norms: its a dynamic and reciprocal process.
Tags: sw311
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Autor: nickcrowl
Oberthema: Social Studies
Thema: Social Work
Schule / Uni: University of Nevada, Reno
Ort: Reno
Veröffentlicht: 06.05.2010




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