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Describe Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory.
• Focuses on outcomes (motivator needs) that lead to higher motivation and job satisfaction, and those outcomes (hygiene needs) that can prevent dissatisfaction.
- Motivator needs relate to the nature of the work itself - autonomy,
responsibility, interesting work.
- Hygiene needs are related to the physical and psychological context of the work - comfortable work environment, pay, job security.
o Unsatisfied hygiene needs create dissatisfaction; satisfaction of
hygiene needs does not lead to motivation or job satisfaction.
- Insights:
o Focus attention on the difference between intrinsic (motivator) and
extrinsic (hygiene) needs.
o Managers should create jobs, which activate motivator not only
hygiene needs.
- Motivator needs relate to the nature of the work itself - autonomy,
responsibility, interesting work.
- Hygiene needs are related to the physical and psychological context of the work - comfortable work environment, pay, job security.
o Unsatisfied hygiene needs create dissatisfaction; satisfaction of
hygiene needs does not lead to motivation or job satisfaction.
- Insights:
o Focus attention on the difference between intrinsic (motivator) and
extrinsic (hygiene) needs.
o Managers should create jobs, which activate motivator not only
hygiene needs.

Autor: Egregius
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Personalwirtschaft
Schule / Uni: Universität Mannheim
Veröffentlicht: 11.03.2010