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6.Which of the following describes a short position in an option?
A.A position in an option lasting less than one month
B.A position in an option lasting less than three months
C.A position in an option lasting less than six months
D.A position where an option has been sold
A.A position in an option lasting less than one month
B.A position in an option lasting less than three months
C.A position in an option lasting less than six months
D.A position where an option has been sold
Answer: D
A short position is a position where the option has been sold (the opposite to a long position).
A short position is a position where the option has been sold (the opposite to a long position).

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Finance & Investment
Thema: Derivatives
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2015