Carnival Season
the time of year when opera was performed
Carnival Season is a six-week period of festivities; it starts on the day after Christmas (the Feast of St. Stephen) and ends on the first day of Lent (Fat Tuesday; Ash Wednesday).
Venice was home to an internationally renown carnival season
Carnival Season is a six-week period of festivities; it starts on the day after Christmas (the Feast of St. Stephen) and ends on the first day of Lent (Fat Tuesday; Ash Wednesday).
Venice was home to an internationally renown carnival season
Features of Opera Seria
•no comic characters
•no supernatural elements
•no chorus (except at the very end of the opera)
•historically based plots
•a recurring narrative theme—the conflict between love and duty
•few characters (usually, 6-8)
•one-dimensional characters that represent a particular affect (e.g. love or jealousy); the principal players are morally consummate heroes.
•Opera seria has a didactic function; its purpose was to entertain and instruct—that is, to generate courtly propaganda
•no supernatural elements
•no chorus (except at the very end of the opera)
•historically based plots
•a recurring narrative theme—the conflict between love and duty
•few characters (usually, 6-8)
•one-dimensional characters that represent a particular affect (e.g. love or jealousy); the principal players are morally consummate heroes.
•Opera seria has a didactic function; its purpose was to entertain and instruct—that is, to generate courtly propaganda

Flashcard set info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Music
Topic: Baroque Era
Published: 09.03.2014
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