When did millions of americans migrate to california? and why?
what sport came to california at the turn of the century?
What did surf music glorify and who developed it?
what sport came to california at the turn of the century?
What did surf music glorify and who developed it?
After WWII because of the booming economy
guitarist dick dale developed it--glorified the idealized souther california lifestyle: girls, fast cars, sun, fun, and surfing
guitarist dick dale developed it--glorified the idealized souther california lifestyle: girls, fast cars, sun, fun, and surfing
what kind of recordings did dick dale usually do? where did these originate?
fast picking technique on mostly instrumental songs
middle east--he was half lebanese
middle east--he was half lebanese
who was the creative leader of the beach boys? who was he admired by?
Brian Wilson
Phil Spector
Phil Spector
what were the beach boys, and particularly good vibrations, known for?
elaborate studio work--use of theremin, key changes, complicated song form, sophisticated arrangement
what were the beach boys, and particularly good vibrations, known for?
elaborate studio work--use of theremin, key changes, complicated song form, sophisticated arrangement

Autor: dorothypadgett
Oberthema: Music
Thema: Rock and Roll
Veröffentlicht: 04.03.2010
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