Society's answers to life's problems passed down from generation to generation.
The branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and structure of the universe.
The branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of reality and the relationship between mind and matter.
The Natural Philosophers of Miletus
Ancient Greeks who sought a scientific explanation for the events in the world; Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes.
The Golden Section
1.618...; one f the many mathematical proportions found in nature and used in art and architecture.
The underlying principle of the universe; that which stays constant while all else changes.
That which is derived from the individual's mind and has no external reality.
The Socratic Dialectic; Socrates' conversational technique for obtaining wisdom.
Holiness; one of the ethical ideals that Socrates pursued for living a good life.
The Forms, eidos (Plato)
The Perfect and unchanging reality that the particulars pattern themselves after.
The branch of philosophy dealing with the ultimate purpose and design of the universe.

Autor: Lisa Aleksyuk
Oberthema: Philosophy
Thema: Greek Philosophy
Schule / Uni: Cleveland High School
Veröffentlicht: 04.11.2009
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