The was a german war tactic emphasizing speed and close coordination between planes in the air and fast moning forces on the ground
THe beliefe that a country should stay out of affairs of other nations is called
Althouigh their attack resulted in a crushing defeat Germans fought the ___ in order to gain control of the crucial shipping ports and factories that produced soviet military equiptment
Battle of Stalingrad
Hitlers plan to deliberatly execute massive numbers of jews across Europe was called ...
The final solution
The was formed after WWII to encourage international cooperation and prevent future events
United nations
What/who caused the death of 600 americans and as many as 10000 filipino prosoners
Bataan death march
Fought to establish an american base close to the major islands of japan
Battle of Okinawa
Resulted in the deathd of as many as one million russion civilians
Seige of Lenningrad
What 2 actions that hitler took convinced him that his european rivals would not stop his aggression against Czech
Hitler rebuilt his army, he annexed austria and mobilized his troops
What was the result of the battle of the midway? Why was it significant ?
The battle destroyed 4 japanese ships. It greatly weakend the Jap. It lead to them winning the pacific
What was Dday, where was it l;aunched from and how did it help defeat Germany in Europe
Dday was the day allied forces invaded france. it helped defeat germany because now germany had to firght a 2 front war-he was surrounded
How did WWI contribute to hitlers rise to power in Germany
After WWI germany was VERRRRYY weak The economy was horrible and the had no food/fuel they had no political leader and they wanted to be an all powerful nation
How did the European experience inWWI contribute to hitlers ability ro aggressivly expand into Europe prior to WWII
No one wanted another outbreak of war again everyone was crippled in someway somehow.
Why do you think hapan chose to launch its surprise attach on the united stated at pearl harbpr? did they achieve there goals? Why whynot?
They chose to attack us beuase that sea was very important to us it was where we traded with GB and sent supplies to the troops.. they did acheive therte goals but only for a moment because after that people wanted to join the war and fight the Japanese back.
Why did the us government force JaPanese Americans on the west coast to leave their homes ad buisnesses and go to the interment camps
THe us governemnt did this becuase they were afraid Japanese had spies hidden i the US
How did Americans at home contrubute to the war effort?
Americans did things like recycle ration food saved fuel, alot of them worked in factories and they also sent things to the soldiers:)
What was island hopping why was it an advantoug
Was the plan to capture small Jap islands as US bases. it helped because then they could be closer tp the enemy
Why did american leaders decide to use the atomic bomb on japan
They calculated the number of life los that was going to be and it was to high, they didnt feel like losing that much americans. It could be avoided so they did it
Describe the effects of the war in Eastern europe
Economy was devistated land was destroyed millinos of ppl died
Which nations formed the allied powers? which nation was the axis powers
Allied- British France Poland
Axis- Germany Japan Italy
Axis- Germany Japan Italy
Why did stalin sign the non agression pact with hitler
Stalin signed the pact because he didnt want hitler to attack him
Describe how hitlers veiws of how to deal with the Jews changed over time from the nuemburg laws to the final solution
beginning- Just segregate them
middle- keep them from having stores.. and freedom
end- annexing
middle- keep them from having stores.. and freedom
end- annexing
Name the violations of the treart of versailles hitler commited BEFORE the war began
Hitler expanded his army
What allowed britian to effectivly defend against the german air force
The british had radar
Why was control of N Africa important to the Allies
They needed to protct there chipping space (Guapocanal)
What were the effects of bombing at pearl harbor
the US joined the war.. ALOT of patriatism
What was the goal of the yalta conferences
To figure out how to keep peace after the war.. figure out "what to do":
Who was Dr.Mengele and what was his nickname
Dr. M was an experimentalist he experimented on twins and killed kids Todesengel or bebbo

Autor: AlyJean
Oberthema: History
Thema: World War II
Veröffentlicht: 11.03.2010
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