What is nationalism? How did it shape Europe in the late 1800s & early 1900s?
1. Pride in one's country, goal to be the best>imperialism
2. Self determination and freedom from foreign rule
>People who share language, customs and culture should rule themselves
civilizations that were under foreign rule began to seek independence, empires decline and cultural unification increases
2. Self determination and freedom from foreign rule
>People who share language, customs and culture should rule themselves
civilizations that were under foreign rule began to seek independence, empires decline and cultural unification increases
Nationalism's Impact on multinational empires?
want to break into smaller countries with unifed culture, didnt feel big connection to big empire
Austria-Hungry, Otto Empire and Russian Empire all had so many different ethnic groups that they were trying to control while those groups were trying to break away. caused disfunction
trying to control not just land but ethnicities as well
Austria-Hungry, Otto Empire and Russian Empire all had so many different ethnic groups that they were trying to control while those groups were trying to break away. caused disfunction
trying to control not just land but ethnicities as well
Unification of Germany
Germany unifed in 1817 which sparks tension and is an example of nationalism on the rise
Congress of Berlin (1878)?
Settled Russo-Turkish War
serbia, romainia, montenegro became independent
-->collapse of Otto Empire
serbian nationalism increases
Conflict over bosnia: lots of serbs but controled by A-H (angry that they wernt free and all united)
Nationalism on the RISE!
serbia, romainia, montenegro became independent
-->collapse of Otto Empire
serbian nationalism increases
Conflict over bosnia: lots of serbs but controled by A-H (angry that they wernt free and all united)
Nationalism on the RISE!
Rise of Germany (Prussia/militarism)
Loss of confederation of states
didnt want to unite
prussia was the biggest and had most military might and growth
didnt want to unite
prussia was the biggest and had most military might and growth
Otto von Bismarck: Realpolitick, "blood and iron"
OVB: Prussia Prime minister 1862, wants to unify germany (make strong and powerful)
Realplotick: power politics (do whatever to get goals)
"blood and iron": mantra of big issues decided by war
trying to unite germany considers war legitament tool of foregin policy.
Realplotick: power politics (do whatever to get goals)
"blood and iron": mantra of big issues decided by war
trying to unite germany considers war legitament tool of foregin policy.
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) - Significance & impact
Prussia won in 6 months
german nationalism increases-->led to direct unification of germany
alsace lorrain:france lost it to germany after war ,source of iron to fuel germany military, upset french and causes tension.
german nationalism increases-->led to direct unification of germany
alsace lorrain:france lost it to germany after war ,source of iron to fuel germany military, upset french and causes tension.
Kaiser Wilhem I
Ruler of Prussia after germany unified
decided that germany wasnt satisifed and wanted more land and power planed to use military might to achive it
decided that germany wasnt satisifed and wanted more land and power planed to use military might to achive it

Autor: Grace
Oberthema: History
Thema: World History
Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2010
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