A type of circuit with more than one pathway for current electricity to follow.
A break in any part of this type of circuit will stop the current electricity from flowing at all.
How could you decrease the amount of resistance in the circuit?
You could make the circuit shorter or thicker to allow more current to flow through it over less distance. Also, you could remove one of the bulbs.
How is a series circuit different from a parallel circuit?
A series circuit has only one pathway for the current to flow. Any break in it will stop the current from flowing. A parallel circuit has more than one pathway.If there is a break in one part of the circuit, the current can flow through another branch.
Imagine that you walk across a carpet in your socks and touch a doorknob. What sensation might you experience and what causes it?
I might get a shock from the metal doorknob. When I walk across the carpet, electrons transfer to my socks and give my body an overall charge. This is static electricity. When the static electricity transfers to the doorknob, I feel a shock. This is static discharge.
How can people produce electricity and still show wise use of God's creation?
People can find ways to generate electricity without burning fuels, which create air pollution. They can use alternative sources of energy like hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power to run generators.
If you had to explain voltage to someone, how would you illustrate and describe it?
I would draw a ball on top of a hill. The position of the ball at the top of the hill gives it potential energy because gravity is acting on it. The difference in potential energy between the position at the top of the hill and the bottom of the hill is similar to voltage.

Autor: Rebecca
Oberthema: Science
Thema: Electricity
Schule / Uni: Freedom Baptist Schools
Ort: Hudsonville, MI
Veröffentlicht: 03.02.2010
Tags: Rebecca Thomas
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