What is the Order of Cockroaches? What type of metamorphosis do they have? What type of mouthparts?
Incomplete Metamorphosis
Chewing mouthparts
Incomplete Metamorphosis
Chewing mouthparts
How do cockroaches defend themselves against pest control? 4 steps...
1. Smell bait at a distance
2. Touch bait with antennae
3. Touch bait with hairs on mouthparts
4. Chew/taste bait
2. Touch bait with antennae
3. Touch bait with hairs on mouthparts
4. Chew/taste bait
_ evolved from cockroaches. How are cockroach's able to digest what (blank) is known for eating? How is this passed on to offspring?
Protozoans to digest cellulose
Protozoans are passed on to babies via feces
Protozoans to digest cellulose
Protozoans are passed on to babies via feces
What are the three steps to Cockroach mating? How many broods can a female have and how many eggs are in each?
1. Male strokes female's antennae to identify her
2. Male offers a food gift to her
3. Mate end to end
7 broods with 40 eggs in each Ootheca
2. Male offers a food gift to her
3. Mate end to end
7 broods with 40 eggs in each Ootheca
To what order to Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Locusts belong? What type of metamorphosis? What type of mouthparts?
Incomplete metamorphosis
Chewing mouthparts
Incomplete metamorphosis
Chewing mouthparts
What are the three reasons Crickets/grasshoppers/locusts chirp?
1. Warn of predators
2. Call a female
3. Establish territory
2. Call a female
3. Establish territory
How is a chirp produced by Crickets/grasshoppers/locusts? Why does this create a chirp?
By either rubbing a wing against a wing or a leg against a wing. This creates a chirp b/c of bumps and ridges on the legs and wings.
The Lubber Grasshopper is Aposematic and emits from its mouth and thorax.
Noxious foam
How did locusts get to the Americas? Where did they come from?
They blew/flew from Africa.
What are the two phases of locusts? How is the second phase stimulated?
Solitary and Gregarious
stimulation of hairs on their back legs causes swarming
stimulation of hairs on their back legs causes swarming
T/F: Locust routes cannot be predicted.
False - wind and sun can be used to predict their route.
What is the order of Beetles and Weevils? What does it mean?
coleo meaning sheath
ptera meaning wings
coleo meaning sheath
ptera meaning wings
What type of metamorphosis do Beetles and Weevils have? What mouthparts?
Complete Metamorphosis
chewing mouthparts
chewing mouthparts
Do males or female Fireflies flash first? Does each species have a unique flash pattern?
Males - female flashes response; yes
T/F: Male and female Fireflies have the same flash patterns.
False - they have different flash patterns
What do fireflies use to produce light? What does it require to light up? What percentage of energy is light?
To what order to Butterflies and Moths belong? What does it mean?
Lepido meaning scale
ptera meaning wings
Lepido meaning scale
ptera meaning wings
Butterflies and Moths of the order have Incomplete/Complete Metamorphosis. Their wings have modified hairs which act as scales.
Lepidoptera larvae are leaf eating machines. They must mold (blank) times. They have a (hard/soft) cuticle.
4-5; soft
What three defense to Lepidoptera Larvae have?
1) camouflage
2) aposematic
3) toxic spines
2) aposematic
3) toxic spines
What two categories do Lepidoptera larvae fall into with relation to their eating habits?
Generalist - eat many plant species
Specialist - eat only one (or a few) plant species
Specialist - eat only one (or a few) plant species
What is the ratio of Butterflies to Moth species? How many of species are there for both?
What is Dan Janzen's goal? What two things did he find?
To identify all the moths of Costa Rica
1) moth scales cause allergies
2) helped define the size of a successful biodiversity park
1) moth scales cause allergies
2) helped define the size of a successful biodiversity park
What are the 3 steps to mating for the Florida Queen Butterfly? What does the male use to dust the female in pheromones?
1) finds mate with sex pheromone
2) courtship dance
3) mate
"hair pensils"
2) courtship dance
3) mate
"hair pensils"
Monarch butterflies sequester toxic alkaloids called (blank). The alkaloids are ingested from (blank)
The Mexican holiday involving Monarch butterflies represents the (blank)
The return of people who died during the year
What is the Plant coevolutionary arms race? (3 steps)
1. Plant produces toxin
2. Insect adapts to toxin
3. Plant makes more powerful toxin
2. Insect adapts to toxin
3. Plant makes more powerful toxin
What are three plant defenses against herbivores?
1. Silicon oxide in plants (like eating glass)
2. Proteinase inhibitors (animals can't digest food)
3. toxic compounds
2. Proteinase inhibitors (animals can't digest food)
3. toxic compounds
These are hairs that exist on plants. They may be sticky, have spines/hooks, and may produce toxins
What 3 things does a plant do when it is injured?
1. limit water loss
2. prevent fungal/bacterial infection
3. deter herbivores
2. prevent fungal/bacterial infection
3. deter herbivores
A plant may produce toxic compounds, exude sap or gum, or form a gall if it is ___.
What are characteristic of a Sundew's leaves? What do they do?
the leaves are sticky
they curl on insects
they curl on insects
What triggers a Venus Fly trap to close?
triggers hairs than send an electrical signal
These are the only aquatic carnivorous plants. How fast is an insect sucked into it?
1/1000th of a second
1/1000th of a second
To which order does the dung beetle belong? What feeds on them? What does the dung beetle's predator secrete that is useful to humans? How is it useful?
Civet cat
used in perfumes
Civet cat
used in perfumes
What do dung beetles make dung balls? Do they have complete or incomplete metamorphosis?
to insert their eggs
The stone beetle, more commonly known as the (blank), was the symbol of the Sun God Ra and the symbol of the soul in ancient Egypt. It is said that this beetle's metamorphosis could have inspired the pyramids' creation.
The Blister Beetle is also know as the (blank). It produces a toxin called *(blank)*. It was used as a (blank) and a (blank) until it was found to cause deterioration of the mucous linings in the body.
Spanish Fly
What is the specialized mouthpart of the acorn weevil? What is it for?
a long snout for drilling into acorns to oviposit
Why is a Whirligig beetle given its name? What is special about its eyes?
a WGB spins to create waves that bounce back when they hit food
it has divided eyes so it can see above and below water
it has divided eyes so it can see above and below water
What is the order that means "two wings?" What is its common name? About how many species are there?
Diptera has what type of Metamorphosis and what mouthparts?
Piercing/sucking or just sucking
Piercing/sucking or just sucking
How does a housefly eat? (3 steps)
1. it regurgitates on food
2. enzymes soften food
3. use sponging mouthparts
2. enzymes soften food
3. use sponging mouthparts
How do House flies taste food? What type of mouthparts do they have?
with leg hairs
sponging mouthparts
sponging mouthparts
How can maggots help prevent amputations in people with poor circulation?
they eat flesh!
1) What is the vector of the African Sleeping Sickness?
2) What is the disease caused by? 3) What is its scientific name?
2) What is the disease caused by? 3) What is its scientific name?
1) Tsetse fly
2) Protozoans
3) Trypanosoma
2) Protozoans
3) Trypanosoma
T/F: The Tsetse fly does not lay eggs.
True - the eggs hatch inside the fly and the larva matures before it is born
What is the 4 part life cycle of a Mosquito.
1. Eggs laid in or near water
2. ...
1. Eggs laid in or near water
2. ...
1. Eggs laid in or near water
2. aquatic larvae
3. aquatic pupae
4. swarm mating
2. aquatic larvae
3. aquatic pupae
4. swarm mating
How do mosquito larvae breathe? Why do they have to breathe this way?
siphon tube
they are aquatic
they are aquatic
x/6th of humans have an insect vectored disease. has killed more people than any other disease.
What is the male Mosquito aphrodisiac? What attracts female mosquitos to their victims?
Male - female wing-beat (sound)
CO2 emitted from host
CO2 emitted from host
How does Malaria spread? (4 steps)
1. Mosquito feeds on infected host
2. Plasmodium mates in mosquito's stomach
3. Plasmodium moves to mosquito's salivary glands
4. Mosquito feeds on new host
2. Plasmodium mates in mosquito's stomach
3. Plasmodium moves to mosquito's salivary glands
4. Mosquito feeds on new host
How does Malaria effect its host? (4 steps)
1. Plasmodium moves to host's liver
2. Plasmodium attacks host's red blood cells
3. Host's red blood cells rupture
4. Cycle repeats in host at 24, 48, and 96 hours
2. Plasmodium attacks host's red blood cells
3. Host's red blood cells rupture
4. Cycle repeats in host at 24, 48, and 96 hours
A mutation in (blank) causes a natural resistance to Malaria. People with one copy of the gene survive Malaria. People with two copies have (blank).
sickle cell anemia
sickle cell anemia
What type of metamorphosis do fleas in the Siphonaptera order have? What mouthparts?
A female flea can eat approximately (blank) times her weight per day and lays around (blank) eggs in her life. Eggs hatch in (blank) to (blank) days.
1 to 10 days
1 to 10 days
Fleas can live up to 174 days, but this depends heavily on what 2 factors?
1. Temperature
2. Humidity
2. Humidity
A flea can jump (blank) times its body length. It can do this because of a rubber band substance called (blank).
What did Miriam Rothschild show in female fleas? (3 things)
1) They react to sex hormones of a pregnant female host.
2) Female flea adjusts her reproductive cycle to match her host's
3) Female flea lays her eggs on babies of the host
2) Female flea adjusts her reproductive cycle to match her host's
3) Female flea lays her eggs on babies of the host
"Bubo" in "Bubonic Plague" means (blank). The death rate is (blank) %.
swollen lymph glands
What was the vector of the Bubonic Plague? What is the Genus and species of the plague (IMPORTANT)?
Yersinia pestis
Yersinia pestis
How does the Bubonic Plague spread? (4 steps)
1. Flea drinks bad blood
2. bacteria spreads in flea gut causing a blockage
3. flea finds new host
4. must regurgitate infection to feed, thus infecting host
2. bacteria spreads in flea gut causing a blockage
3. flea finds new host
4. must regurgitate infection to feed, thus infecting host
Elephantiasis is vectored by blank . The Disease organisms are blank .
The vector for River Blindness is . The disease organisms are .
Black flies
How does River Blindness spread to a person? It causes skin and gradual of .
an infected fly transmits larval worms to a person
loose skin
loss of sight
loose skin
loss of sight

Autor: savhighsmith
Oberthema: Entomology
Thema: General
Schule / Uni: UGA
Ort: Athens
Veröffentlicht: 24.03.2010
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