Another kind of web site maybe?
So here is an article telling everyone about something. I haven't got a web site and I don't need one. The reason is that these cards could be web pages.
Lets explore this in more detail..........if i can link between one card and another.....
Lets explore this in more detail..........if i can link between one card and another.....
Tags: page1
So here's page 2 of my floating web site
This means that my web site is scattered across these cards but also across the internet.
Rather than restricting myself to my own web site which sits on a server at htt:// ..........I can think about the set of cards as my site that might be sat on facebook and all those other social media sites.......
Rather than restricting myself to my own web site which sits on a server at htt:// ..........I can think about the set of cards as my site that might be sat on facebook and all those other social media sites.......
Tags: page2
and onto page 3
now I can't afford upgrades but you can see how this could have images on it and links to all over the place.From that perspective, it's a web site..........of course, i don't have the same control but I probably have enough to use it like that..........i guess i could use it for special projects.............or maybe even for a small potted blog of some sort........I could have a project blog across several flash cards.........i could share the a card not only for dialogue but also..........a group could build a flash card together on a project they were doing at school for example..............
my last page
I can actually think of all sorts of ideas for this.......and of course one of them could be mobile could build your own mini-app and it would run on any old can include pictures............and then of course you could make sets of the fact you could think of this as powerpoint too....and so the ideas go on and one.......very good and thanks for the trial.
Nicholas Bowskill
Creator of Shared Thinking
The social identity approach to learning
Nicholas Bowskill
Creator of Shared Thinking
The social identity approach to learning
Tags: last page, Shared Thinking
A Page 5 required
So I guess we could come up with more things to extend the QR codes maybe. So, I have a card set and on each one is a QR code.......each card links to part of the catalogue.......i can use a card as a kind of bookmark for a catalogue I'm on my phone browsing this set of cards and the first card says Toys......the second card says Clothes....the third says Electronic goods...
Tags: QR codes on a set
Finally a final card here
I could also be at a tourist site and wanting to look at different history - a QR code for culture.....a QR code for that......etc...etc.......................Then if I could send stuff from my phone to a stack I'd have a lot more possibilities........i could treat it like my Flickr account and take a picture tag it.....and that would make it appear in a card stack for that tag.....then we can collaborate in a similar fashion.......maybe we can author cards on the go........that would allow location based learning and lots of things like maybe that's a place to stop!
CoboCards look good!
CoboCards look good!
Tags: CoboCards, Flickr, mobile authoring

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Pedagogy for CoboCards
Schule / Uni: University of Glasgow
Ort: Glasgow
Veröffentlicht: 07.10.2011
Schlagwörter Karten:
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