Name four basic financial statements
statement of activities/P&L
statement of financial position/balance sheet
statement of cash flows
statement of functional expenses
statement of financial position/balance sheet
statement of cash flows
statement of functional expenses
Name three (of seven) ratios used in financial analysis.
Give the formula for deriving each one.
Give the formula for deriving each one.
General and Mgmt/Expense Ratio=
Total General and Mgmt expenses / total expenses
Fund-raising/Expense ratio
Total Fund-raising expenses / total expenses
Contribution ratio
largest revenue source ./ total revenues
Total General and Mgmt expenses / total expenses
Fund-raising/Expense ratio
Total Fund-raising expenses / total expenses
Contribution ratio
largest revenue source ./ total revenues
For financial management, agency programs may be designated as one or all of these types of centers:
It could be an expense center, since it costs $$ to run a program. If the program generates revenue, it could also be a revenue center.
Since a program could be both, it could be known as a multiple-responsibility center.
Since a program could be both, it could be known as a multiple-responsibility center.
Rewrite the following output performance measure as a Quality output performance measure:
"Attended Training"
"Attended Training"
Attended 3 hour skills-based training
Rewrite the following output performance measure as a Quality output performance measure:
"Received Training Materials"
"Received Training Materials"
Obtained all training materials in native language for the training that they just attended.
Rewrite the following outcome performance measure as a Quality outcome performance measure:
"Improved school grades"
"Improved school grades"
One student improved GPA average by >=.1% the following quarter after attending after school program.
Rewrite the following outcome performance measure as a Quality outcome performance measure:
"Tobacco Free"
"Tobacco Free"
One client able to access smoking cessation support services
(Hopefully) One client successfully remained smoke-free for 30+ days
(Hopefully) One client successfully remained smoke-free for 30+ days
Direct and indirect costs are assigned to programs according to the agency's
cost allocation plan - cost allocation method
Autor: annadronen
Oberthema: Financial Mgmt Non-Prof
Thema: Financial Mgmt Non-Prof
Schule / Uni: UW
Ort: Seattle
Veröffentlicht: 20.02.2015
Tags: Financial Mgmt Non-Prof
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