Where is the heart positioned in both the dog and the cat?
Dog: From the 3rd rib to the 6th intercostal space
Cat: From the 3rd or 4th rib (4th intercostal space) to the 6th or 7th rib
Cat: From the 3rd or 4th rib (4th intercostal space) to the 6th or 7th rib
Where does the apex of the heart point?
Ventrall, caudally, and usually towards the left
What layers compose the external layer of pericardium?
Fibrous pericardium
Parietal pericardium
Parietal pericardium
What is fused to the pericardium and is clinically considered part of the pericardium?
Pericardial mediastinal pleura
What connects the fibrous pericardium to the sternal part of the diaphragm in carnivores?
Phrenicopericardial ligament
What are the two surfaces of the heart and where do they face?
What groove is located between ventricles on the auricular side?
Paraconal interventricular groove
What interventricular groove is located on the atrial surface?
Subsinuosal interventricular groove
What is the flow of blood from the cranial and caudal vena cavae to the lungs?
Cranial/caudal vena cavae
Right atrium
Right atrioventricular valve
right ventricle
Conus arteriosus
Pulmonary valve
Pulmonary trunk
Right and Left pulmonary arteries
Right atrium
Right atrioventricular valve
right ventricle
Conus arteriosus
Pulmonary valve
Pulmonary trunk
Right and Left pulmonary arteries
What is the flow of blood from the lungs to the aorta?
Pulmonary vein
Left atrium
Left atrioventricular valve
Left ventricle
Left outflow tract
Aortic Valve
Pulmonary vein
Left atrium
Left atrioventricular valve
Left ventricle
Left outflow tract
Aortic Valve
What are the openings to the right atrium?
Cranial vena cava
Caudal vena cava
+/- Azygos vein
Coronary sinus
Right atrioventricular orifice
Caudal vena cava
+/- Azygos vein
Coronary sinus
Right atrioventricular orifice
What is the remnant of the foramen ovale and where is it located?
Fossa Ovalis
Caudal to the intervenous tubercle
Caudal to the intervenous tubercle
What muscle bands are located on the internal wall of the auricle and lateral wall of the sinus venarum?
Pectinate muscles
What are the two main parts of the tricuspid valve and where are they attached?
Parietal cusp- Free wall of ventricle
Septal cusp- Septal wall of ventricle
Septal cusp- Septal wall of ventricle
What muscle strands course across the lumen of the ventricle and what do they do?
Trabeculae septomarginalis and they conduct Purkinje fibers from the right branch of the atrioventricular bundle across the lumen of the ventricle.
What is the coning down of the terminal part of the right ventricle called?
Conus arteriosus
What are the cusps of the mitral valve?
Parietal cusp (posterior)
Septal cusp (dorsal, anterior)
Secondary cusps at ends of major cusps
Septal cusp (dorsal, anterior)
Secondary cusps at ends of major cusps
What branches arise from the left coronary artery?
Paraconal interventricular br.
Circumflex br.
Circumflex br.
What artery courses in the parconal interventricular groove?
The paraconal interventricular branch of the left coronary artery
What is the difference in the subsinuosal interventricular branch between the dog and the cat?
In the dog, the subsinuosal interventricular branch is a continuation of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery while it could also be from the right coronary artery in the cat.
Where does the great cardiac vein course?
Apex of heart->Paraconal interventricular groove->coronary groove->coronary sinus
Where does the middle cardiac vein course?
Subsinuosal interventricular groove->coronary sinus

Autor: toncrayb
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Anatomy
Veröffentlicht: 14.11.2009
Tags: Oregon Heart
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