a cash dispenser or cash machine or ATM
the machine from which you withdraw money.
debit card
in UK is a card what most people use to pay for things electronically from their bank account. Is the equivalent of an EC Karte and is also called a cash card
bank statement
is a printed or electronic chronological list of money spent and received.
is a local office or shop belonging to a large company or organization.
Filiale oder Niederlassung
Filiale oder Niederlassung
a standing order
is a fixed amount that the bank pays out for you on the same day each month.
automated telephone banking service
asks you to enter numbers and responses to questions via the keypad or give voice commands.
standing orders
fixed monthly payments taken automatically from your account.
overdraft limit
the maximum amount that you have in your account today.
Dispo Kredit oder Überziehungsgrenze
Dispo Kredit oder Überziehungsgrenze
I've come to collect some Swiss francs that I ordered online.
Ich bin gekommen, um einige Schweizer Franken abzuholen, die ich online bestellt habe.
I need to cancel my bank card. I think I've lost it.
Ich muss meine Kreditkarte sperren lassen. Ich glaube ich habe sie verloren.
Could you check how much I have in my account?
Könnten Sie überprüfen, wie viel Geld ich auf meinem Bankkonto habe?
I'd like to transfer some money from one account to another.
Ich möchte gerne Geld von einem Konto zu einem anderen überweisen.
The cash machine outside isn't working. Could i withdraw 200 pounds?
Der Bankautomat draußen funktioniert nicht mehr. Könnte ich 200 Pfund abheben?
what is a mortgage?
If you've borrowed money to buy your home, you'll have a mortgage account.
what is a savings account?
If you have some spare money, you can put it in a savings account.
what is a joint account?
If you and your partner share your finances, you can have a joint account.
what is a current account?
For your everyday needs, you need a current account.
laufendes Konto oder Giro Konto
laufendes Konto oder Giro Konto
my card was declined at the supermarket.
meine EC-Karte wurde im Supermarkt abgelehnt.
what is a pay day loan
If you have financial problems -at the end of the month for example-you can borrow a small sum of money and then pay it back as soon as you receive your wages on pay day.
In order to relieve the electric power network......
Um das elektrische Netzwerk zu entlasten....
I could wolf down a whole rabbit warren at the moment.
Ich könnte im Moment ein ganzes Kaninchengehege verschlingen
How to write an formal email?
1. Starting:
2. Saying why you're writing:
3. Communication information
4. Talking about information you are sending
5. Asking for something
6. Confirmation details
7. Thanking and offering help
8. Ending
1. Starting:
2. Saying why you're writing:
3. Communication information
4. Talking about information you are sending
5. Asking for something
6. Confirmation details
7. Thanking and offering help
8. Ending
1. Dear Mr., Ms.
2. I'm writing to let you know....
I'm writing because....
I'm writing with reference to our telephone call...
3. I'm pleased to inform you that...
We have completed all stages of the project
4. Please find attached the file you asked for.
5. Could you please send me the information by Friday
I was wondering whether you could send me ....
it would be grateful if you would let me know
We need you to send us this papaerwork this week
6. I'm writing to confirm that the goods will be shipped from + +
This is just to let you know the next meeting ist scheduled for + Monday
7. Thank you in advance.
Please contact me if you need more information
8. Yours sincerely
Kind/Best regards
all the best
2. I'm writing to let you know....
I'm writing because....
I'm writing with reference to our telephone call...
3. I'm pleased to inform you that...
We have completed all stages of the project
4. Please find attached the file you asked for.
5. Could you please send me the information by Friday
I was wondering whether you could send me ....
it would be grateful if you would let me know
We need you to send us this papaerwork this week
6. I'm writing to confirm that the goods will be shipped from + +
This is just to let you know the next meeting ist scheduled for + Monday
7. Thank you in advance.
Please contact me if you need more information
8. Yours sincerely
Kind/Best regards
all the best
Writing an email to Natasha Martin.
Mention the following points in the order you think is best.
+How to get to the office from the airport...
+Meeting: where and when
+Events planned for the trip
+Credit cards or cash needed for the trip
Mention the following points in the order you think is best.
+How to get to the office from the airport...
+Meeting: where and when
+Events planned for the trip
+Credit cards or cash needed for the trip
Dear Natasha Martin,
i'm really looking forward to meeting you. I'm writing to inform you some details of our meeting. It will be on Friday, 22 May at 2 pm in building 1 room 8.
Please find attached a map (plan) of the campus.
We arranged a shuttle service that will pick you up at the info point in the arrival hall.
After our meeting we have planned a dinner in a traditional German restaurant at about 6 pm.
Next morning we organized a guided trip to the EZB in Frankfurt.
Please be aware that you might need some euros (cash) in addition to your credit card. Not all shops or restaurants will accept credit cards.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
I'm looking forward to meeting you in May.
Best regards
i'm really looking forward to meeting you. I'm writing to inform you some details of our meeting. It will be on Friday, 22 May at 2 pm in building 1 room 8.
Please find attached a map (plan) of the campus.
We arranged a shuttle service that will pick you up at the info point in the arrival hall.
After our meeting we have planned a dinner in a traditional German restaurant at about 6 pm.
Next morning we organized a guided trip to the EZB in Frankfurt.
Please be aware that you might need some euros (cash) in addition to your credit card. Not all shops or restaurants will accept credit cards.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
I'm looking forward to meeting you in May.
Best regards
What does it mean, Keep your hair down...
...means calm down or don't make such a fuss
...bedeutet...mach nicht so einen Aufstand...
....Reg dich nicht so auf!
...bedeutet...mach nicht so einen Aufstand...
....Reg dich nicht so auf!
It 'll do me good to let my hair down...
I'm looking forward to going to a nightclub or a party...
...es wird mir gut tun aus mir herauszugehen....mich mal richtig gehen zu lassen...
...es wird mir gut tun aus mir herauszugehen....mich mal richtig gehen zu lassen...
I have seen neither hide nor hair of him...
I haven't seen him at all.
Es gibt keine Spur von ihm...
Es gibt keine Spur von ihm...
It was a hair-raising experience.
It was dangerous and frightening.
..es war eine haarsträubende Erfahrung.
..es war eine haarsträubende Erfahrung.
They've got me by the short and curlies.
I have to do what they say. I have no other option.
...sie hatten mich völlig in der Hand.
...sie hatten mich völlig in der Hand.

Autor: ChemKai
Oberthema: English
Thema: Vocabulary
Schule / Uni: TU Kaiserslautern
Ort: Kaiserslautern
Veröffentlicht: 21.02.2013
Tags: real life
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