Secondary Element
One of five chemical elements that are found in small amounts in living organisms; these include sodium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, and potassium.
Tetrahedral molecule
A molecule in which four atoms are bound to a central atom, resulting in a tetrahedral shape. The atoms bonded to the central atom lie at the corners of a tetrahedron with 109.5 degree angles between them.
Trace Element
An element required in minute quantities by an organism to maintain proper physical functioning.
A lipid formed by a condensation reaction between glycerol and three fatty acid molecules.
Amino Acid
An organic molecule that functions as the building block for proteins; it contains both an amino group and a carboxylic acid group.
Chemical Bond
An attractive force between two or more atoms or ions that holds them together.
Condensation Reaction
A chemical reaction that joins two molecules and removes a molecule of water.
Cyclic Molecule
A chemical compound whose atoms are arranged in a ring or closed-chain structure.
Fatty Acid
A lipid that consists of a long hydrocarbon chain with a carboxylic acid group at one end.
Fibrous Protein
Protein that fold into an elongated shape so that it can serve a wide variety of structural functions in the cell.
An isomer of glucose; it has the same chemical formula (C6H12O6) but its atoms are arranged differently.
Globular Protein
A protein that folds into a compact shape so that the polar and ionic amino acids are on the outside and the nonpolar amino acids are on the inside.
Hydrogen Bond
An attractive force between a hydrogen atom bonded to an oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine atom on one molecule and an ocygen, nitrogen, or fluorine atom on another molecule.
pH Scale
A scale that indicates the acidity of a solution; it is based on the concentration of hydrogen ions.
A lipid molecule formed by the condensation reaction between glycerol, two fatty acid molecules, and a phosphate group.
Primary element
One of six chemical elements that make up more than 99% of living matter; these include calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus.

Autor: sufergurl
Oberthema: Biology
Thema: General Terms
Schule / Uni: MOVIP
Veröffentlicht: 10.09.2009
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