accurate forecast (n)
genaue Vorhersage
It is difficult to make accurate forecasts for a fast-growing industry
It is difficult to make accurate forecasts for a fast-growing industry
man-hours (n)
It will take them 2'000 man-hours to get the aircraft flying again
It will take them 2'000 man-hours to get the aircraft flying again
miss the deadline (phrase)
die Frist verpassen
I sent my application in too late and missed the deadline.
I sent my application in too late and missed the deadline.
out of control (phrase)
ausser Kontrolle
The departement's spending was out of control.
The departement's spending was out of control.
over budget (phrase)
das Budget überschreiten
He was criticized beacuse the project was over budget
He was criticized beacuse the project was over budget
press release (n)
The company issued a press release about the merger.
The company issued a press release about the merger.
prioritize tasks (phrase)
Aufgabenschwerpunkte setzen
Prioritizing tasks helps you to work more efficiently
Prioritizing tasks helps you to work more efficiently
resolve conflict (phrase)
Konflikte lösen
The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay.
The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay.
run out of money (phrase)
Pleite gehen, das Geld geht aus
There's a danger we'll run out of money before the project is completed.
There's a danger we'll run out of money before the project is completed.
stay on track (phrase)
auf Kurs bleiben
If we stay on track, we will finish by the end of the month.
If we stay on track, we will finish by the end of the month.
unrealistic budget (phrase)
unrealistisches Budget
This was an unrealistic budget from the beginning
This was an unrealistic budget from the beginning
upfront planning (phrase)
They didn't realize the importance of good upfront planning.
They didn't realize the importance of good upfront planning.
within budget (phrase)
im Rahmen des Budgets
She managed to complete the project on time and within budget.
She managed to complete the project on time and within budget.
check progress (v)
Fortschritte überprüfen
My manager calls regularly to check progress
My manager calls regularly to check progress
keep track of spending (phrase)
die Ausgaben im Auge behalten
It's important to keep track of spending so you don't go over budget
It's important to keep track of spending so you don't go over budget
lack of planning (phrase)
mangelnde Planung
All these problems have been caused by a lack of planning
All these problems have been caused by a lack of planning
maintain (v)
aufrecht erhalten
We wil maintain prices at their current level for another six months.
We wil maintain prices at their current level for another six months.
make contingency plans (phrase)
Notfallpläne erstellen
Let's make contingency plans in case it rains
Let's make contingency plans in case it rains
make the launch date (phrase)
den Markteinführungszeitpunkt einhalten
Everyone worked hard to make the launch date.
Everyone worked hard to make the launch date.
ahead of schedule (phrase)
dem Zeitplan voraus
The new bridge was completed in six months ahead of schedule
The new bridge was completed in six months ahead of schedule
allocate resources (phrase)
Mittel zuweisen
He is in charge of allocating resources to our IT projects.
He is in charge of allocating resources to our IT projects.
budget constraints (n pl)
Budget constraints mean that we will be unable to appoint anyone new to the team.
Budget constraints mean that we will be unable to appoint anyone new to the team.

Autor: Quake05
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Vocabulary
Veröffentlicht: 19.03.2010
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