What is the Hessian operator
What is an affine connection?
An affine connection is a connection
What is a Riemannian or Levi Civita connection?
An affine connection that also satisfies
How is a differentiable manifold of dimension n defined?
A set M, a family of injective maps is open such that
are open and is differentiable .
there exists a maximal atlas {} relative to M
are open and is differentiable .
there exists a maximal atlas {} relative to M
How is a Riemannian Metric defined?
As g or as an inner product,
where an inner product is
-linear and
-positive definite
where an inner product is
-linear and
-positive definite
Let be a Vector field for . When is X differentiable and how is for defined?
X is differentiable if is differentiable.
How was the covariant Derivative for two vector fields simply (firstly) calculated?
How can the Christoffelsymbols be calculated in terms of and ?
How is a topological space defined?
We have a Family of open subsets of satisfying
(T.3) of finite i's
(T.3) of finite i's
What is the algebraic Definition of a tangent vector at p?
where {diff. fcts. at p}
where {diff. fcts. at p}
An n-dimensional smooth manifold M is called orientable if
There exists a differentiable atlas for M s.t.
at p, for all p in
at p, for all p in
What is an Immersion?
where is differentiable is called an immersion if
is injective
is injective
What is an Embedding?
An Immersion that is a homeomorphism cont's)
and has the subspace topology induced from .
and has the subspace topology induced from .
What is an intrinsic quality?
A geometric quality that can be expressed only in terms of and its derivative function.
What is the difference of an affine connection and the covariant derivative?
is an affine connection as is the covariant derivative for the vector fields X and Y.
How is calculated?
How to calculate normal curvature of S at p in the direction ?
Autor: Yann-Paul
Oberthema: Mathematik
Thema: Differentialgeometrie123
Veröffentlicht: 15.11.2018
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