elektrische Ladung
electric charge
positive charge:
- protons (atomic nucleus)
- (kat-) ions (ionized metal, ionized hydrogen, ionized gases... )
negative charge:
- electrons (atomic envelope)
- (an-) ions (remaining acid ions, ...)
force of repulsion between like charges
force of attraction between different charges
elementary charge, charge of an electron

positive charge:
- protons (atomic nucleus)
- (kat-) ions (ionized metal, ionized hydrogen, ionized gases... )
negative charge:
- electrons (atomic envelope)
- (an-) ions (remaining acid ions, ...)
force of repulsion between like charges
force of attraction between different charges
elementary charge, charge of an electron

Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Ladung, Spannung, Strom
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Tags: Bewegung, Dynamik, Kinematik, Mechanik
Tags: Bewegung, Kinematik, Mechanik
Tags: Bewegung, Dynamik, Kinematik, Mechanik
directed quantity = vector
(draw an arrow with point of force + value + direction)

Newton's law:
Hooke's law:
(linear-elastic materials)


directed quantity = vector
(draw an arrow with point of force + value + direction)

Newton's law:

Hooke's law:



Tags: Elektrizitätslehre, Größen, Mechanik
- a scalar physical quantity
- the ability to perform work, to take off heat or to emit light
symbol: E
unit: 1 Joule

other units that also used:
electron volt: 1 eV = 1,602 *
kilowatt hour: 1 kWh = 3,6 MJ
calorie :
1 cal = 4,2 J (small or gram calorie)
1 kcal = 1 Cal = 4,2 kJ (large / kilogram or food calorie)
- a scalar physical quantity
- the ability to perform work, to take off heat or to emit light
symbol: E
unit: 1 Joule

other units that also used:
electron volt: 1 eV = 1,602 *

kilowatt hour: 1 kWh = 3,6 MJ
calorie :
1 cal = 4,2 J (small or gram calorie)
1 kcal = 1 Cal = 4,2 kJ (large / kilogram or food calorie)
Tags: Elektrizitätslehre, Größen, Kernphysik, Mechanik, Thermodynamik
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy
forms of energy
potentielle Energie | potential energy |
kinetische Energie | kinetical energy |
elektrische Energie | electric energy, power |
Wärmeenergie | heat / thermal / caloric energy |
chemische Energie | chemical energy |
Kernenergie | nuclear energy |
Strahlungsenergie | radiant energy |
zugeführte Energie | input energy |
gespeicherte Energie | stored energy |
Nutzenergie | useful energy |
gebundene Energie | latent energy |
Bindungsenergie | binding energy |
Tags: Elektrizitätslehre, Kernphysik, Mechanik, Thermodynamik
the rate at which work is performed or energy is converted
Electric power: the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by a circuit
symbol: P
unit: 1 Watt


the rate at which work is performed or energy is converted
Electric power: the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by a circuit
symbol: P
unit: 1 Watt


Tags: Elektrik, Größen, Mechanik, Thermodynamik
mechanical work: the amount of energy transferred by a force
thermodynamics: the quantity of energy transferred from one system to another
symbol: W
unit: 1 Joule

mechanical work: the amount of energy transferred by a force
thermodynamics: the quantity of energy transferred from one system to another
symbol: W
unit: 1 Joule


Tags: Dynamik, Größen, Kinematik, Mechanik, Thermodynamik
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work
Electric charge: a property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interactions. Electrically charged matter is influenced by, and produces, electromagnetic fields.
Electric current: a movement or flow of electrically charged particles, typically measured in amperes.
Electric field: an influence produced by an electric charge on other charges in its vicinity.
Electric potential: the capacity of an electric field to do work on an electric charge, typically measured in volts.
Electromagnetism: a fundamental interaction between the magnetic field and the presence and motion of an electric charge.
Electric charge: a property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interactions. Electrically charged matter is influenced by, and produces, electromagnetic fields.
Electric current: a movement or flow of electrically charged particles, typically measured in amperes.
Electric field: an influence produced by an electric charge on other charges in its vicinity.
Electric potential: the capacity of an electric field to do work on an electric charge, typically measured in volts.
Electromagnetism: a fundamental interaction between the magnetic field and the presence and motion of an electric charge.
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Ladung, Spannung, Strom
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity
velocity (the rate of change of the position of one object)
speed (magnitude of velocity)
symbol: v

speed of light (the maximum speed in the universe)
symbol: c
value: c = 299 792 458
real animation: Speed_of_light_from_Earth_to_Moon
speed (magnitude of velocity)
symbol: v


speed of light (the maximum speed in the universe)
symbol: c
value: c = 299 792 458

real animation: Speed_of_light_from_Earth_to_Moon
Tags: Dynamik, Kinematik, Licht, Mechanik, Optik
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_speed
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_speed
(the rate of change of velocity with time)
symbol: a

(the rate of change of velocity with time)
symbol: a

speed of light
light speed
symbol: c
Value in vacuum:
c = 299,792,458 metres per second = 1 Planck unit
(Sunlight takes about 8 minutes, 19 seconds to reach Earth, but, due to refraction, scattering, gravity and so on, about 100000 years to reach the surface of the sun from it's core)
- the maximum speed in the universe
- a constant of nature
- in a medium reduces the speed of light
- different types of light wave will travel at different speeds.
Approximate values:
300,000 kilometres per second
1,079 million kilometres per hour
186,000 miles per second
671 million miles per hour
173 astronomical units per day
real animation: Speed_of_light_from_Earth_to_Moon
light speed
symbol: c
Value in vacuum:
c = 299,792,458 metres per second = 1 Planck unit
(Sunlight takes about 8 minutes, 19 seconds to reach Earth, but, due to refraction, scattering, gravity and so on, about 100000 years to reach the surface of the sun from it's core)
- the maximum speed in the universe
- a constant of nature
- in a medium reduces the speed of light
- different types of light wave will travel at different speeds.
Approximate values:
300,000 kilometres per second
1,079 million kilometres per hour
186,000 miles per second
671 million miles per hour
173 astronomical units per day
real animation: Speed_of_light_from_Earth_to_Moon
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Licht, Optik, Relativitätstheorie
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_speed
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_speed
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Ladung, Spannung
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Ladung, Spannung
voltage source
battery (3 or more cells in series connection)
accumulator = rechargeable battery or storage battery
alternating current generator (AC generator)
power supply unit
power transformer
power adaptor
battery (3 or more cells in series connection)
accumulator = rechargeable battery or storage battery
alternating current generator (AC generator)
power supply unit
power transformer
power adaptor
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: www.dict.cc, www.wikipedia.org
Quelle: www.dict.cc, www.wikipedia.org
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Stromkreis
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc
series circuit
series connection
I = constant
U = U1 + U2 + ...
R = R1 + R2 + ...
series connection
I = constant
U = U1 + U2 + ...
R = R1 + R2 + ...
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc
shunt circuit
parallel circuit
parallel connection
U = constant
I = I1 + I2 + ...

parallel circuit
parallel connection
U = constant
I = I1 + I2 + ...

Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Spannung, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc
elektrischer Strom
electric current
a flow of electric charge (a phenomenon)
- in metals (electrons)
- in liquids (ions)
- in gases (electrons and ions)
- in vacuum (electrons or other charged particles)

a flow of electric charge (a phenomenon)
- in metals (electrons)
- in liquids (ions)
- in gases (electrons and ions)
- in vacuum (electrons or other charged particles)

Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Größen, Strom
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_current
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_current
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Spannung, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_current
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_current
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Spannung, Strom, Stromkreis
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Spannung, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waveforms
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waveforms
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Spannung, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_voltage
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_voltage
(strength of electric current)
Def.: physival value - means the rate of flow of electric charge through the surface of the conductor (a quantity)
symbol: I
unit: ampère (the rate of one coulomb per second)
symbol: 1 A

(strength of electric current)
Def.: physival value - means the rate of flow of electric charge through the surface of the conductor (a quantity)
symbol: I
unit: ampère (the rate of one coulomb per second)
symbol: 1 A

Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Größen, Strom
Quelle: www.dict.cc, www.wikipedia.org
Quelle: www.dict.cc, www.wikipedia.org
elektrische Spannung
(electrical potential)
Def: physical value (quantity) for galvanic separation
symbol: U
unit: volt
symbol: 1V

(see also: galvanic separation)
(electrical potential)
Def: physical value (quantity) for galvanic separation
symbol: U
unit: volt
symbol: 1V

(see also: galvanic separation)
Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Größen, Strom
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc

- measuring instrument used to measure the electric current in a electric circuit
- always in series connection to the component
- is shown as a circle with the letter A (Ampére) inside

Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: www.dict.cc, www.wikipedia.org
Quelle: www.dict.cc, www.wikipedia.org

- measuring instrument used for measuring the electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit
- in parallel connection to the component
- is shown as a circle with the letter V (Volt) inside

Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Spannung, Strom, Stromkreis
Quelle: www.wikipedia.org
Quelle: www.wikipedia.org
(elektrischer) Widerstand
resistor (device)
resistance (value)
reluctance (magnetical resistance)
inductance (resistance of an inductor in alternating current = AC)
Def.: physical value, how strong the electric current is restricted
symbol: R
unit: 1
symbol and basic units:

resistance (value)
reluctance (magnetical resistance)
inductance (resistance of an inductor in alternating current = AC)
Def.: physical value, how strong the electric current is restricted
symbol: R
unit: 1

symbol and basic units:


Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Größen, Strom
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc
physical process of converting an atom or molecule into an ion by adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions
physical process of converting an atom or molecule into an ion by adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization
thermal effect
Heat generated by friction of the moving electrons to the lattice elements (atoms, ions or molecules).
Examples: Stove, dryer, window heater
Heat generated by friction of the moving electrons to the lattice elements (atoms, ions or molecules).
Examples: Stove, dryer, window heater
chemische Wirkung
chemical effect
Separation (in ions and/or electrons) or formation of new elements (of ions and electrons)
Separation (in ions and/or electrons) or formation of new elements (of ions and electrons)
spezifischer elektrischer Widerstand
(specific electrical resistance or volume resistivity)
Def: measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current
(specific electrical resistance or volume resistivity)
Def: measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current



Tags: Elektrik, Elektrizitätslehre, Größen, Strom
Quelle: www.dict.cc
Quelle: www.dict.cc

Autor: schorai
Oberthema: Physik
Thema: Bilingual D-En
Ort: Schwerin
Veröffentlicht: 06.11.2010
Tags: Sek I
Schlagwörter Karten:
Alle Karten (35)
Bewegung (3)
Dynamik (4)
Elektrik (22)
Elektrizitätslehre (24)
Größen (9)
Kernphysik (2)
Kinematik (5)
Ladung (4)
Licht (2)
Mechanik (9)
Optik (2)
Spannung (10)
Strom (17)
Stromkreis (11)
Thermodynamik (4)