Columbus Day - an American public holiday is held on to honour Christopher Columbus on:
October 12
The ship that took a group of English settlers to Plymouth, Massachusetts in the US in 1620 was:
Mayflower- the ship that took a group of English settlers to Plymouth, Massachusetts in the US in 1620. Many of the settlers were religious and they are usually called the pilgrim Fathers.
The capital city of Northern Ireland is:
Belfast –the capital city of Northern Ireland (Ulster) - the northern part of Ireland, which is politically part of the United Kingdom. Most of the people who live there are Protestant, and usually Unionists who want it to remain part of the United Kingdom, but many ROMAN Catholics who live there are Republicans and think it should join with the Republic of Ireland and become part of an Irish state.
The highest mountain in Britain is:
Ben Nevis - a mountain in Scotland which is the highest mountain in Britain (1343 m).
Windy City is the popular name of:
Chicago – the third largest US city and is called Windy City.
What was the world’s first national park created in 1872?
Yellowstone National Park – the world’s first national park created in 1872 in Wyoming, US.
What is the biggest American state?
Alaska – the largest and the most northern state of the US. Its capital city is Juneau and the largest city is Anchorage.
Who was the first President of the USA?

How many countries make up the United Kingdom?
Four- England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Which monarch had the longest reign in British history?
Queen Victoria- 64 years (1837-1901)
What's the the world's largest city? (clue: it's in the USA)
Honolulu. Largest by area, that is, and only because the city and county are one and the same. The area of 2,127 square miles comprises the whole of Oahu and other islands stretching 1,500 miles into the Pacific. 72% of the area is water.

Autor: bawetka
Oberthema: Culture
Thema: British & American Culture
Veröffentlicht: 03.06.2010
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