precedes and is a stimulus to a behavior. Antecedents are instructions, rules, goals, and advice.
Aversive events
are undesirable, or displeasing, to the employee. (one of the 3 outcomes of the contingency of reinforcement concept)
Classical conditioning
(Pavlov). is the process by which individuals learn to link the information from a neutral stimulus to a stimulus that causes a response. An unconditioned stimulus (environmental event) brings out a natural response. Then a neutral environmental event, called a conditioned stimulus, is paired with the unconditioned stimulus that brings out the behavior. Eventually, the conditioned stimulus alone brings out the behavior, which is called a conditioned response.
is the result of a behavior, which can be either positive or negative in terms of goal or task accomplishment.
Contingency of reinforcement
is a relationship between a behavior and the preceding and following environmental events that influence that behavior. Consists of an antecedent, a behavior, and a consequence.
Continuous reinforcement
the behavior is reinforced each time it occurs and is the simplest schedule of reinforcement. Ex: dropping coins in a pop machine
giving the employees the authority, skills, and self-control to perform their tasks.
Escape learning
means an unpleasant event occurs until an employee performs a behavior or terminates it.
the removal of all reinforcing behaviors. Decreases the frequency of an undesirable behavior.
Fixed interval schedule
a constant amount of time must pass before a reinforcer is provided.
occurs when people anticipate, plan, and guide their behavior and actions.
Fixed ratio schedule
the desired behavior must occur a specified number of times before it is reinforced.
Intermittent reinforcement
refers to a reinforcer being delivered after some, but not every, occurrence of the desired behavior. Can be subdivided into 1) interval and ratio schedules and 2) fixed and variable schedules
Interval schedule
reinforcers are delivered after a certain amount of time has passed.
is a suggestion that results in safety, cost, or quality improvements. The rewards are distributed equally among all members of a team.
is a relatively permanent change in knowledge or observable behavior that results from practice or experience.
Negative reinforcement
refers to an unpleasant event that precedes the employee behavior is removed when the desired behavior occurs. Negative reinforcement increases the likelihood that the desired behavior will occur.
Operant conditioning
(Skinner). refers to a process by which individuals learn voluntary behavior. Voluntary behaviors are called operants because they operate, or have some influence, on the environment.
Positive discipline
emphasizes changing employee behaviors by reasoning rather than by imposing increasingly severe punishments.
Positive events
are desirable, or pleasing to the employee. (contingency of reinforcement concept)
Positive reinforcement
entails presenting a pleasant consequence after the occurrence of a desired behavior.
Primary reinforcer
is an event for which the individual already knows the value. Food, shelter, and water are primary reinforcers.
Principle of contingent reinforcement
(positive reinforcement). states that the reinforcer must be administered only if the desired behavior is performed.
Principle of immediate reinforcement
(positive reinforcement). states that the reinforcer will be most effective if administered immediately after the desired behavior has occurred.
Principle of reinforcement deprivation
(positive reinforcement). states that the more a person is deprived of the reinforcer, the greater effect it will have on the future occurrence of the desired behavior. However, if an individual recently has had enough of a reinforcer and is satisfied, the reinforcer will have less effect.
Principle of reinforcement size
(positive reinforcement). states that the larger the amount of reinforcer delivered after the desired behavior, the more effect the reinforcer will have on the frequency of the desired behavior.
occurs when an unpleasant event follows a behavior and decreases its frequency
Ratio schedule
reinforcers are delivered after a certain number of behaviors have been performed.
is a behavioral contingency that increases the frequency of a particular behavior that it follows. Whether positive or negative, reinforcement always increases the frequency of the employee behavior.
Secondary reinforcer
is an event that once had neutral value but has taken on some value (positive or negative) for an individual because of past experience. Money is an obvious example of secondary reinforcer.
occurs when a person selects his or her own goals and ways of reaching them to learn new behaviors.
refers to the individual's estimate of his or her own ability to perform a specific task in a particular situation
Social Learning theory
(Bandura). refers to knowledge acquisition through the mental processing of information through observing and imitating others. Has 5 dimensions (symbolizing, forethought, vicarious learning, self-control, and self-efficacy).
is the process of visualizing experiences and using the memories of them to guide behavior.
Variable interval schedule
represents the changes in the amount of time between reinforcers.
Variable ratio schedule
a certain number of desired behaviors must occur before the reinforcer is delivered, but the number of behaviors varies around some average. Managers frequently use a variable ratio schedule with praise and recognition.
Vicarious learning
occurs when a person observes the behavior of others and the consequences of that behavior.

Autor: kkelly00
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Organizational Behavior
Schule / Uni: SDSU
Ort: San Diego, CA
Veröffentlicht: 23.02.2010
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