to change in order to make sth suitable for a new purpose or use
to adapt
noun: adaptation
noun: adaptation
to make sth weaker or less effective, to water sth down
to dilute
noun: dilution
adj: diluted
noun: dilution
adj: diluted
to set up subsidiaries abroad or to sell your goods internationally
to go international
the activity a company undertakes to keep its customers
customer retention
verb: to retain
verb: to retain
a group of people who are asked about their attitude towards a product or service
focus group
the activity or fact of increasing the market share of a product; or: a product’s sales volume as a percentage of the total sales volume of competing products
market penetration
subdividing a market into clearly definable smaller groups of customers
market segmentation
a company's most important products: also: products which bear a company’s logo
signature products
an investigation into the opinions etc. of a particular group of people
a survey
to run/conduct a survey
to run/conduct a survey
USP stands for...
unique selling proposition; a special claim a company makes about a brand or product which sets it apart from its competitors
(not) hoping and trying to be successful at something (esp. your career)
verb: to aspire to
verb: to aspire to
A market that has reached a state of equilibrium (where there is no significant growth or innovation) is called a ...
mature market

Autor: EstherRobinson
Oberthema: English
Thema: International Marketing
Veröffentlicht: 25.10.2011
Tags: ENGLa
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