the state of owning assets that can easily be converted into cash
adj: liquid
adj: liquid
showing a lack of care about danger and the results of one’s actions
noun: recklessness
noun: recklessness
the responsibility which the maker of a product has for any injury the product might cause
product liability
the opinion that people have about you / your company
adj: reputational
adj 2: reputable (having the reputation of being honest and providing good service)
adj: reputational
adj 2: reputable (having the reputation of being honest and providing good service)
to make a judgement about what is likely to happen, e.g. to .. a risk
noun: calculation
noun: calculation
to form an idea of the cost, value etc. of something without calculating it exactly
to estimate
noun: an estimate
noun: an estimate
to find the size, quantity etc. of sth in standard units
to measure
noun: measurement
adj: measurable
noun: measurement
adj: measurable
to decide in what order you should deal with things, based on how important they are
to prioritise
a state of being too confident or relaxed because you think things are going well
adj: complacent
adj: complacent

Autor: EstherRobinson
Oberthema: English
Thema: Risk
Veröffentlicht: 11.07.2011
Tags: ENGLa
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