Larynx: General
Modified upper part of respiratory passage of air-breathing vertebrates.
Bounded superiorly by the glottis, and continues inferiorly with the trachea.
Consists of 3 large unpaired pieces of cartilage
3 smaller paired pieces of cartilage.
Is the valve separating the GI and respiratory tracts.
Bounded superiorly by the glottis, and continues inferiorly with the trachea.
Consists of 3 large unpaired pieces of cartilage
3 smaller paired pieces of cartilage.
Is the valve separating the GI and respiratory tracts.
Larynx: Glottis
true vocal cords plus rima glottidis (the space between the vocal cords)
Larynx: Thyroid cartilage
steeper the angle, the deeper the voice
Laryngeal prominence/Adam's Apple
Thyroid notch: notch along the superior margin. V-shaped.

Laryngeal prominence/Adam's Apple
Thyroid notch: notch along the superior margin. V-shaped.

Larynx: Arytenoid cartilages
Role in phonation.
Pyramid shaped (A-shaped)
Each arytenoid sits on top of each lateral side of cricoid

Pyramid shaped (A-shaped)
Each arytenoid sits on top of each lateral side of cricoid

Larynx: Corniculate cartilages
Role in phonation
Attach to superior tips of arytenoids "like little pieces of CORN."

Attach to superior tips of arytenoids "like little pieces of CORN."

Larynx: Cuneiform cartilages
Act as a stop for epiglottis to rest upon during eating
Do not attach to any other cartilages

Do not attach to any other cartilages

Larynx: Vocal cords
folds of mucus membranes
stretches from thyroid cartilage anteriorly to arytenoids posteriorly
stretches from thyroid cartilage anteriorly to arytenoids posteriorly
Larynx: vocalis muscle

Pairs with thyroarytenoid.
Lies medially to thyroarytenoid.
shortens vocal cords for fine variations of phonation as it is attached to the vocal cord.
Larynx: thyroarytenoid muscles

Shortens vocal cords.
Paris with vocalis muscles
Lies temporally to vocalis muscles

Autor: that was rad
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Human Anatomy
Schule / Uni: New England College of Optometry
Ort: Boston
Veröffentlicht: 20.12.2009
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