What does "allusion" mean?
a reference/mention to a well known piece of literature in the expectation that the reader is familiar and can understand the connection.
What is a round character?
a 3D character. You know about the character's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, inner conflicts, etc.
What is a setting?
the background where the action of the story takes place, including time AND place.
What is a simile?
a comparison between two unlike things using the terms "like" or "as".
Define symbolism.
Symbolism is an object used to represent an abstract concept or idea.
What is a theme?
a central message or idea that the author wants to give to the reader. you may need to infer the theme if not stated.
What is a turning point?
the point in the story where a character has an opportunity to turn his or her life around because he/she has learned a lesson.
What is verisimilitude?
a quality in writing that makes it seem like the truth/reality.
What is "genre"?
Genre is a literary type/class with specific characteristics such as mystery, science fiction, fantasy, horror, etc.
What is imagery?
figures of speech and descriptive language that appeals to the five senses.
To make an inference is to....?
to read between the lines and fill in what is not said.
What is a metaphor?
An indirect comparison between two unlike things without using the words "like" or "as".
"Life is an alley, and then you get raped."
"Life is an alley, and then you get raped."
What is motivation?
Motivation is the reason a character acts as he/she acts in the story. Those actions make the scene believable.
What is plausibility?
something that seems like it could really happen in the context of the story.
What is a pun?
a play on words where there is humor in a word with a double meaning.
ex. "Kath and Mouse"
ex. "Kath and Mouse"
What is the resolution?
the final outcome of the story. the conflicts have come to an end and the reader is aware of how it turned out.
I take up most of the story. I start with the initial incident and continue through to the climax. I am...?
the rising action
What does "atmosphere" mean?
mood/feeling that a piece of writing makes a reader experience.
What is ''climax''?
the most exciting part of the action in a plot. It's where the protagonist will live or die/solve a problem/solve a mystery.
What are colloquial expressions?
Colloquial expressions are language that is not standard English. It's the way a group of people speak in a particular region that is not formal English. ex: "y'all" "whatcha gonna do?" "aien't"
Define conflict. What are the types of conflicts?
conflict is the struggle between the protagonist and the opposing force.
- person vs. person
- person vs. fate/supernatural/unknown
- person vs. society
- person vs. self
- person vs. nature
What is dialogue?
conversation between 2+ characters in the story. In prose, dialogue uses "..." (quotation marks) to indicate that someone is speaking.
What is the falling action?
it is the action that follows the climax which leads to the resolution.
What is a flash back?
an interruption in the narrative of a story to recall events that happened earlier.
What is a flat character?
a character with only one or two characteristics. It has a role in the story but is unknown beyond that role.
What does "anachronism" mean?
something that is out of time for the setting of the story.
Define anecdote.
short retelling of a story in order to support or illustrate a point.
A character/force that acts against the protagonist preventing the protagonist from getting what she/he wants is the....?

Autor: Shania Villamor
Oberthema: Language Arts
Thema: Literary Terms
Veröffentlicht: 23.10.2011
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