What does "systemic" mean in regards to cardiology?
Systemic is a word that pertains to the heart and the flow of blood through the ventricles and atrium's within the heart. It is when blood leaves the left ventricle (the most powerful chamber) to bring oxygen to the rest of the body
What is "hypoxia"?
When oxygen becomes deficient or lacking in the body tissues, and concentration of oxygen inhaled is deficient.
Cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation (CPCR)-
This type of CPR's success is depended upon determining the cause for the cardiac arrest in the first place. Basic steps that are followed to do this procedure help to promote oxygenation, ventilation and circulation of blood flow.
Vagal Stimulation:
A procedure that helps to lower the heart rate through stimulation of the vagus nerve.
This is when the blood volume in the body is decreased in number. It is usually caused by internal (hemorrhaging) or external bleeding or by an inadequate amount of fluid intake.
This is a collection of air or gas that has accumulated in the pleural cavity.
This is when the heartbeat is above normal, and beats at a very rapid pace.
Pericardial Tamponade:
This is when pressure on the heart occurs; pericardial fluid accumulates around the pericardial sac which causes the pressure.
Agonal Breathing:
Very rapid breathing, gasping for air and abnormal patterns of inhalation.
Decreased levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure which are below normal.
Systemic inflammation which occurs from an infection. Hypothermia,tachycardia,tachypnea and inadequate blood flow are some symptoms.
A patient that is blue,gray or dark purple or some type of discoloration of the skin. This is caused by deoxygenated blood or reduced levels of hemoglobin in the blood.
A patient that suffers from temporary cessation of breathing. This affects the bodies intake of oxygen and expulsion of carbon dioxide.
The third stage of CPCR. When patients cardiac rhythm is restored, they commonly sometimes experience rearrest. This is the case if the cause of CPA was unknown. Monitoring of the patient to make sure they do not relapse.
Making an incision into the trachea through the skin soft tissues of the neck region.
The partial and or complete loss of sensation. This can also be with or without loss of consciousness through injury or disease or administration of an anesthetic agent.
Insertion of a needle into the chest cavity wall into the pleural space. This is done to remove fluid for diagnostic and or therapeutic purposes.
Autor: TinaSeternus88
Oberthema: Veterinary Medicine
Thema: CPCR
Veröffentlicht: 14.09.2012
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