What is Tonal Value?
What is Stippling?
Stippling is a technique of using small dots to create values. The greater the density of dots within an area, the darker the value; the more dispersed the dots, the lighter the value.
What is Linear Value?
What is Hatching?
Hatching is an artistic technique used to create shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines. Softly drawn lines placed farther apart suggest lighter values. Heavier lines drawn closely together suggest darker values.
What is Cross-Hatching?
Cross-hatching is when hatch marks are overlapped to create even darker values within a value drawing.
What is a Value Drawing?
A Value Drawing is a drawing that shows a full range of lights, darks and middle-tones within a composition.
Value Drawing
Value Drawing
What is Contrast?
Light values next to dark values create contrast. Contrast can be created with color relationships as well.
Value Contrast
Color Contrast
Value Contrast
Color Contrast
What is a Highlight?
Highlight is the lightest part of an object, closest to the light source. Highlights can be created by erasing values to make them lighter.
What is a Shadow?
On a form, it is the darkest part of an object, farthest from the light source. A cast shadow can form on the surface underneath a form where the light is blocked by the form.
What is a Contour Line?
An outline that defines the shape of an object as well as the internal lines that define the form of an object.
Contour Line
Contour Line
What is a Still Life?
Artwork where common inanimate objects arranged in a setting then drawn or painted as the subject matter.
Still Life
Still Life
What is a Sketch?
Used as a brainstorming tool for artists; serves as a way to try out different ideas and establish a composition before undertaking a more finished final product. A sketch is quicker and less detailed.