a term or terms that are connected by either addition or subtraction; Simplify or Evaluate
Combining Like Terms
adding or subtracting terms that have the same variables raised to the same power; this method is used to simplify expressions
Order of Operations
1. Parenthesis and other grouping devices
2. Exponents and Square Roots
3. Multiplication and/or Division from Left to Right
4. Addition and/or Subtraction from Left to Right
2. Exponents and Square Roots
3. Multiplication and/or Division from Left to Right
4. Addition and/or Subtraction from Left to Right
Inverse Operations
Operations that “undo” one another; Addition/Subtraction, Multiplication/Division, Powers/Square Roots
Addition/Subtraction Property of Equality
whatever is added/subtracted from one side of an equation must be added/subtracted from the other side of the equation
Multiplication/Division Property of Equality
whatever is multiplied/divided from one side of an equation must be multiplied/divided from the other side of the equation
Additive Inverse
a number that when added to the original given number yields(equals) zero
Multiplicative Inverse
a number that when multiplied by the original given number yields(equals) one
Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Algebra Vocabulary and Properties
Thema: Math
Schule / Uni: Garfield Middle School
Ort: Lakewood
Veröffentlicht: 18.02.2015
Tags: Algebra
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