a group of methods used to collect, analyze, present and interpret data and to make decisions
Description statistics
consists of methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data by using tables, graphs, and summary measures
Inferential Statistics
consists of methods that use sample results to help make decisions or predictions about a population
representative sample
a sample that represents the characteristics of the population as closely as possible
element or member
of a sample or population is a specific subject or object(person, firm, item, state, or country) about which the information is collected
any characteristics under study whose value change from one individual or object to another
discrete variable
possible values of the variable correspond to isolated points on the number line meaning this can assume only certain values with no intermediate values
continuous variable
possible values of the variable form an entire interval on the number line
cross-section data
data collected on different elements at the same point in time or for the same period of time
time-series data
data collected on the same element of the same variable at different points in time or for different periods of time
random sample
drawn in such a way that each member of the population has a chance of being selected in the sample
nonrandom sample
when some members of the population may not have any chance of being selected in a sample
selection bias
occurs when the way the sample is selected systematically excludes some part of the population of interest
measurement or response data
occurs when the method of observation tends to produce values that systematically differ from the true value in some way
Nonresponse bias
occurs when responses are not actually obtained from all individuals selected for inclusion in the sample
observational study
when the investigator observes characteristics of a subset of the members of one or more existing populations
confounding variable
one that is related to both group membership and the response variable of interest
when an investigator observes how a response variable behaves when the researcher manipulates one or more factors.
something that is identical in appearance, taste, feel, etc. to the treatment received by the treatment group, except that it contains no active ingredients)

Autor: MACsgirl11608
Oberthema: Mathematics
Thema: Statistics
Schule / Uni: University of South Alabama
Ort: Mobile
Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2010
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