Question 1. This is a design and development tool for buliding web sites and applications?
Transfer large files more efficiently with improved FTP performance in Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6 software. Updated Live View and Multiscreen Preview panels render HTML5 code so you can check your work. This tool could be used to manage an edit the students files the teacher is working with daily.
Transfer large files more efficiently with improved FTP performance in Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6 software. Updated Live View and Multiscreen Preview panels render HTML5 code so you can check your work. This tool could be used to manage an edit the students files the teacher is working with daily.
Question 2. This open source development frame work is used to build cross-platform mobile applications?
Phone gap,
PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about. This will allow students and teachers to update their technology devices with the lastest and greatest applications available on the market.
PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about. This will allow students and teachers to update their technology devices with the lastest and greatest applications available on the market.
Question 3. Creates mobil flash cards, study guides, and quizzes.
Mobl21 combines advanced technology with creative educational techniques, to let you do things in completely new and exciting ways. Personally, I think this technology is worthy of a second look from all students and educators.
Mobl21 combines advanced technology with creative educational techniques, to let you do things in completely new and exciting ways. Personally, I think this technology is worthy of a second look from all students and educators.
Question 4. A platform for building and publishing mobile learning content?,
Mobile Learning Solution,
LearnCast® is empowering content experts to design and deliver high quality content to learners via our easy to use rapid development tools. With no programming skills required, publishing and distributing educational material has never been so easy. Our mission is to educate learners while providing measurable results to publishers.
LearnCast® Mobile Coursework Features
•Test and track students’ progress with instant results.
• Find and share information with peers and experts.
• Search a library of video, audio, documents and images.
• Rate and comment, then view and answer instantly.
• Survey learners and see the results in real time.
• Provide pre and post training to follow up with learners
Mobile Learning Solution,
LearnCast® is empowering content experts to design and deliver high quality content to learners via our easy to use rapid development tools. With no programming skills required, publishing and distributing educational material has never been so easy. Our mission is to educate learners while providing measurable results to publishers.
LearnCast® Mobile Coursework Features
•Test and track students’ progress with instant results.
• Find and share information with peers and experts.
• Search a library of video, audio, documents and images.
• Rate and comment, then view and answer instantly.
• Survey learners and see the results in real time.
• Provide pre and post training to follow up with learners
Question 5. Rapidly creates and deliver media-rich, track-able, and secure mobile casts?
Outstart Hot Lava Mobile,
Hot Lava Mobile Overview
In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly on the go—and business is no different. Organizations are always looking for more efficient ways in which to interact with their employees, customers and partners. Mobile learning, communications and performance support have become key component in helping people improve the way they do business.
Kenexa® Hot Lava Mobile® is the leading mobile learning solution to rapidly develop, deliver and analyze the use of all types of device-independent mobile content to meet a wide variety of priority communications, and mobile learning and performance support scenarios. Unlike other tools, Hot Lava Mobile allows you to develop content once and deploy it to all popular mobile devices and tablets including Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows, iPhone/iPad, and Android. Watch the Video.
Hot Lava Mobile Overview
In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly on the go—and business is no different. Organizations are always looking for more efficient ways in which to interact with their employees, customers and partners. Mobile learning, communications and performance support have become key component in helping people improve the way they do business.
Kenexa® Hot Lava Mobile® is the leading mobile learning solution to rapidly develop, deliver and analyze the use of all types of device-independent mobile content to meet a wide variety of priority communications, and mobile learning and performance support scenarios. Unlike other tools, Hot Lava Mobile allows you to develop content once and deploy it to all popular mobile devices and tablets including Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows, iPhone/iPad, and Android. Watch the Video.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Mobile Technology
Thema: Education
Schule / Uni: University of Alberta
Ort: Edmonton
Veröffentlicht: 27.11.2012
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