Signal detection theory
no absolute threshold; depends on experience, expectations, motivations, and fatigue
the transparent structure behind the pupil
accommodation: the lens changes shape to focus the object
accommodation: the lens changes shape to focus the object
Nearby objects are clearer than the faraway ones
Alternate name: Myopia
Alternate name: Myopia
Where does the image focus with nearsightedness?
Distant objects focus in front of the retina.
Parallel processing
Integration of many aspects at once
think of the thing in rpg maker; many events happen at once
think of the thing in rpg maker; many events happen at once
Color vision theories: what is the Young-Hemholtz theory?
the retina has 3 color receptors: red, green ,and blue
Color vision theories: What is opponent-process?
there are opposing retinal processes--
Red/green, Yellow/blue, White/black
(This one is more accurate?)
Red/green, Yellow/blue, White/black
(This one is more accurate?)
The path of sound waves through the ear?
outer ear ==> ear canal ==> eardrum ==> middle ear => cochlea (snail shaped thingy)
Place theory
different sound waves cause hair cell vibration at different parts of the basilar membrane
leads to different pitches
leads to different pitches
Types of binocular cues and their definitions
Retinal disparity - the brain computes distance between images cast on both retinas
Convergence - the eyes turn inward when they view a nearby object
Convergence - the eyes turn inward when they view a nearby object
Relative size
objects that cast a smaller retinal image appear farther away
ex: someone walking away from you
ex: someone walking away from you
Relative height
Objects higher in visual field appear farther away
ex: the picture of the clouds over the hills and cows
ex: the picture of the clouds over the hills and cows
Texture gradient
the progression from distinct textures to indistinct ones. Indistinct texture indicates increasing distance:
Linear perspective
Parallel lines appear to converge as distance increases
ex: those old landscape pictures from elementary
ex: those old landscape pictures from elementary
Light and shadow
Objevcts that reflect more light appear closer to us, while dimmer objects look farther away
Perceptual adaptation
ability to adjust visually to an altered visual field
ex: the guy with goggles throwing a football
ex: the guy with goggles throwing a football

Autor: Melkino
Oberthema: Psychology
Thema: General
Veröffentlicht: 24.02.2010
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