2-1 Jack wants to conduct an experiment on people’s perceptions of tattoos. He plans to manipulate the experimental conditions by having participants receive tattoos on their arms. The tattoos will vary in size and color. An ethical review board would most likely be concerned about
the physical risk to the participants
2-2 When personal interviews are conducted as part of a research study, the identity of the participant might be known. In cases such as these, the researcher must
A) carefully plan ways of coding the data.
B) carefully store the data.
C) explain the procedures to the participants so there is no question concerning the confidentiality of the results.
D) All of these
B) carefully store the data.
C) explain the procedures to the participants so there is no question concerning the confidentiality of the results.
D) All of these
2-3 The most difficult ethical concern with regard to the privacy issue has to do with whether or not to use
concealed observation of behavior in a private setting
2-4 Which type of information is not required for informed consent?
Individuals be compensated for their participation
2-5 Under what circumstances is a researcher absolutely obligated to fully disclose all the particulars about the study? Full disclosure must be made
whenever there are major risks of participation
2-6 One problem with the use of informed consent is
A) providing too much information could invalidate the results of the study.
B) sample bias due to differences between participants and refusers.
C) that knowledge of the research will alter participants' behavior.
D) All of these
B) sample bias due to differences between participants and refusers.
C) that knowledge of the research will alter participants' behavior.
D) All of these
2-7 The Belmont Report’s principle of _ requires that individuals be capable of making deliberate decisions about whether to participate in research.
2-8 The Zimbardo prison study had to be stopped in fewer than six days because
the participants took the roles they were playing too seriously
2-9 The Belmont Report’s ethical principle of justice on the selection of participants requires
any decisions to include or exclude certain people from the research must be justified on scientific grounds
2-10 The Health and Human Service (HSS) regulations define "no risk" research as
research involving public behavior and public records that does not identify participants
2-11 A researcher’s results should be considered fraudulent if
the data are changed in order to support the hypotheses
2-12 When a researcher manipulates temperature of a room in order to examine the effect it has on task performance, the different temperature conditions are referred to as the _ of the variable.
2-13 An operational definition of the variable "anxiety" might be
A) a physiological measure of sweating.
B) the score on the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale.
C) the number of "um's" and "ah's" in a person's speech.
D) All of these
B) the score on the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale.
C) the number of "um's" and "ah's" in a person's speech.
D) All of these
2-14 Dr. Kramer found that the average number of miles driven decreases as the price of gasoline increases. This relationship can best be described as a ___ relationship.
negative linear
2-15 What two problems arise when interpreting results obtained using the nonexperimental method?
Third variable problem and direction of cause and effect
2-16 Experimental control is accomplished by
treating participants in all groups alike except for the independent variable
2-17 Random assignment is a critical element of the experimental method because it
eliminates consistent effects of extraneous variables
2-18 A researcher investigated the relationship between alcohol intake and reaction time in a driving simulation task. Participants drank either one ounce or three ounces of alcohol and were then measured on braking speed at a simulated red light. The dependent variable was the
braking speed
2-19 When a researcher can make a strong inference that one variable caused another, the study is said to have _validity.
2-20 A psychologist studied dependency by measuring how many times children in school asked an adult for help. A critic argued that asking for help is not a good measure of dependency. In fact, the critic said, asking for help shows resourcefulness and initiative. The critic in this situation was disputing the ___ of the dependency measure.
construct validity

Autor: HexInfinity
Oberthema: Psychology
Thema: Research
Schule / Uni: San Francisco State University
Veröffentlicht: 16.05.2010
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