how to convert inches to feet
If you have inches andyouwant to convert them into feet you times it by12 and if you have feet and you want to convert them into inches you divide by 12
how to convert feet into yards
If you have feet and you want to convert it into yards you divide it by 3 and if you have yards and you want to convert it into feet you times it by 3
how to convert feet to miles
if you want to convert miles into feet you times by 5280 and if you want convert feet into miles you divide it by 5280
how do you convert yard into miles
if You have miles and you want to convert them into yards you times it by1260 and if you have yards and you want to convert them into miles you divivde by 1260
How do you convert Fluid ounces into cups
If you wantto convert Fl oz into cups you divide by 8 and if you want to convert cups into Fl oz you times by 8
How do you convert cups into pints
If you have cups and you want to convert them into pints you divide by 2 and if you want to convert pint into cups you times by 2
Howdo you convert pints into qaurts
If you have pints and you want to convert them into qaurts you divide by 2 andif you want to convert qaurts into pints you times by 2
how doyou convert quarts into gallons
if you have quarts and you want to convert them into gallons you divide by 4 and if you want to convert gallons into quarts you times by 4
how do you convert ounces into puonds
If you have ounces and you want to convert them into pounds you divide by 16 and if you have pounds and you want to convert them into ounces you times it by16
How do you convert pounds into tons
If you have pounds and you want to convert them into tons you divide by 2000 and if you want to convert tons into puonds ypu times by 2000

Autor: leo.soccerrox
Oberthema: Mathematics
Thema: Metric units
Veröffentlicht: 09.02.2010
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