a meaningful unit of sound that cannot be broken down any further
ex: in, come, -ing
ex: in, come, -ing
bound morpheme
a morpheme that cannot exist alone; it must be part of a larger construction
ex: -s added to plural words
ex: -s added to plural words
the process of forming a new word using the base of an existing word
ex: happy => happiness
ex: happy => happiness
a change in the form of a word which does not change the class of a word
ex: come => comes
** usually for agreement, tense change, aspect change, or mode
ex: come => comes
** usually for agreement, tense change, aspect change, or mode
words that have the same sound but different meanings, origins or spelling
ex: their, there, they're
ex: their, there, they're
words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but which carry different meanings
ex: bank (financial), bank (on a river's edge)
ex: bank (financial), bank (on a river's edge)
a word which is a specific example of a more general semantic field
ex: cutlery => spoon
ex: cutlery => spoon
frequent use of particular words that occur together
ex: strong wind, light breeze
ex: strong wind, light breeze
lexico grammar
a term created by Michael Halliday to refer to the continuing relationship between lexis and grammar
a word that has more than one meaning... the meanings can be rather close, or very far apart
ex: wood (material), wood (forest)
crane (animal), crane (in construction)
ex: wood (material), wood (forest)
crane (animal), crane (in construction)
when a word produces a particular feeling or idea for a person in addition to its actual meaning
ex: skinny (seen negatively) vs. thin (viewed positively)
ex: skinny (seen negatively) vs. thin (viewed positively)
multi word unit
words that are grouped together that have one single meaning; these words cannot be separated from each other
ex: phrasal verbs => wake up
ex: phrasal verbs => wake up
phrasal verb
a verb that combines another element with it (adverb, preposition or a combination of both) in order to produce an idiomatic phrase; the words take on one meaning
ex: run out of
ex: run out of
lexical priming
noticing a variety of elements in use in order to use the correct phrase or word
ex: Yours faithfully => used in writing, used in formal situations
ex: Yours faithfully => used in writing, used in formal situations
an addition to the base form of a word which produces a change in meaning or a new word
ex: happy => happiness => unhappy
ex: happy => happiness => unhappy
a morpheme added to the end of a word which creates a derivative; the new word has a different meaning
ex: enjoy => enjoyment
ex: enjoy => enjoyment
a morpheme added to the beginning of a word which creates a derivative; the new word has a different meaning
ex: perform => outperform
ex: perform => outperform
lexical set
a group of words that share the same topic, function or form
ex: pets => cat, dog, rabbit
adverbs => happily, quickly, boldly
ex: pets => cat, dog, rabbit
adverbs => happily, quickly, boldly
lexical chunk
a group of words that are commonly used together
ex: /_If I were you_/ I'd /_take a vacation_/.
ex: /_If I were you_/ I'd /_take a vacation_/.
commonly used to denote the degree of formality of language; more generally the language that is used/shared by a particular group of people who do the same work/share the same interests
ex: informal, neutral, formal
ex: informal, neutral, formal

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Linguistics
Thema: Lexical terminology
Veröffentlicht: 05.05.2014
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