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Alle Oberthemen / Education / Education / Education
ECS 580 Topic 2 Clinical Field Experience A Making Connections K-3 GCU
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ECS 580 Topic 2 Clinical Field Experience A Making Connections K-3 GCU

Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.
The ability to effectively integrate all disciplines in student learning, while recognizing developmental milestones, is complex. Use this field experience to observe and collaborate with your mentor regarding the many facets to teaching in a K-3 classroom.
Observe an inclusive K-3 early childhood or elementary site, focusing on ELA, social studies, and art lessons, and paying close attention to the
relationship between reading and writing. Discuss with the mentor teacher how he or she purposefully integrates reading and writing into lessons.
Tags: ECS 580, ECS 580 Topic 2, ECS 580 Topic 2 Clinical Field Experience A Making Connections K-3 GCU
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Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Education
Thema: Education
Schule / Uni: devry university
Ort: UK
Veröffentlicht: 12.02.2020




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