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263) Two managers are talking about how they get the best out of their employees: Jo: “I tell my
employees that times are tough and there is no way of telling when the guys in head office
might try to downsize. Let me tell you, a bit of fear keeps them focused on the task at hand.”
Chris “I tell them that head office is making them more responsible for deciding how to do their
work. The increased sense of ownership they have makes productivity go way up” How would
these managers be best characterized by Douglas McGregor?
A) Both hold Theory X assumptions.
B) Both hold Theory Y assumptions.
C) Chris holds Theory X assumptions; Jo holds Theory Y assumptions.
D) Jo holds Theory X assumptions; Chris holds Theory Y assumptions.
E) The statements would not indicate that either manager is predisposed to either Theory X
or Theory Y assumptions.
employees that times are tough and there is no way of telling when the guys in head office
might try to downsize. Let me tell you, a bit of fear keeps them focused on the task at hand.”
Chris “I tell them that head office is making them more responsible for deciding how to do their
work. The increased sense of ownership they have makes productivity go way up” How would
these managers be best characterized by Douglas McGregor?
A) Both hold Theory X assumptions.
B) Both hold Theory Y assumptions.
C) Chris holds Theory X assumptions; Jo holds Theory Y assumptions.
D) Jo holds Theory X assumptions; Chris holds Theory Y assumptions.
E) The statements would not indicate that either manager is predisposed to either Theory X
or Theory Y assumptions.
d (exam)

Autor: mariagrau25
Oberthema: Business Economics
Schule / Uni: Hanze Hogeschool
Ort: Groningen
Veröffentlicht: 12.04.2010