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Prescription Drugs
Prescription drug abuse over the last ten years has skyrocketed among college students. Particularly drugs such as Oxycontin that are highly addictive have caused many college students to become addicted, and have even caused death.
Another type of prescription drug classification that has hit the college market are so-called “smart drugs” that are intended to treat legitimate health conditions, but are used by college students to be more productive by increasing energy, cognitive processing and focus.
The most abused drugs are Adderall, Ritalin and Provigil. These drugs are used to treat health conditions such as Alzheimer’s and ADHD. The effects of these drugs on perfectly healthy college students are beneficial in the short term. For example, students experience the ability to focus for 24-48 hours at a time without sleep.
The appeal of these drugs is often too tempting to students who have academic demands and pressure on them to succeed. In fact, a recent article in the New Yorker discussed the prevalence of these drugs among Ivy League students in competitive programs.
Students are able to get these prescription drugs from relatives, underground Internet sites and dealers on campus. These types of drugs are addictive and come with a whole host of side effects including headaches, weight loss, weight gain, and even permanent neurological damage. Experts warn that these so-called smart drugs are currently the biggest health risks for students.
Prescription drug abuse over the last ten years has skyrocketed among college students. Particularly drugs such as Oxycontin that are highly addictive have caused many college students to become addicted, and have even caused death.
Another type of prescription drug classification that has hit the college market are so-called “smart drugs” that are intended to treat legitimate health conditions, but are used by college students to be more productive by increasing energy, cognitive processing and focus.
The most abused drugs are Adderall, Ritalin and Provigil. These drugs are used to treat health conditions such as Alzheimer’s and ADHD. The effects of these drugs on perfectly healthy college students are beneficial in the short term. For example, students experience the ability to focus for 24-48 hours at a time without sleep.
The appeal of these drugs is often too tempting to students who have academic demands and pressure on them to succeed. In fact, a recent article in the New Yorker discussed the prevalence of these drugs among Ivy League students in competitive programs.
Students are able to get these prescription drugs from relatives, underground Internet sites and dealers on campus. These types of drugs are addictive and come with a whole host of side effects including headaches, weight loss, weight gain, and even permanent neurological damage. Experts warn that these so-called smart drugs are currently the biggest health risks for students.

Autor: jollyfruitty
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Health & Fitness
Veröffentlicht: 07.11.2019