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Alle Oberthemen / Informatik / Computergrafik / Schwerpunktkolloquium: Basic Techniques, Geometry Processing, Global Illumination
Give the Euler Formula and derive the three Magic Numbers!

Magic Number: 2 times as many faces as vertices

Magic Number: Average vertex valence is 6

Magic Number: 5 platonic solids
A platonic solids with Schläfli symbol is a polygonal mesh fulfilling the following properties:
  • All faces are -gons: (where )
  • All vertices have valence :   (where )

Number of edges cannot be negative:

Since and :

Gives only 5 solutions for :
  • : Tetrahedron (4 triangular faces, self-dual)
  • : Octahedron (8 triangular faces, dual to Cube)
  • : Cube (6 square faces, dual to Octahedron)
  • : Icosahedron (20 triangular faces, dual to Dodecahedron)
  • : Dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces, dual to Icosahedron)
Neuer Kommentar
Autor: janisborn
Oberthema: Informatik
Thema: Computergrafik
Schule / Uni: RWTH Aachen
Ort: Aachen
Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2022




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